La plainte en diffamation comme simple outil de communication politique
#diffamation #communication #Mediapart
La plainte en diffamation comme simple outil de communication politique
#diffamation #communication #Mediapart
Asking Good Questions Is Harder Than Giving Great Answers
I'm deleting my Discord server. This blog post explains why.
Telephone Telegraph Lines Poles Globe 1935 Winold Reiss
#Communication, #Connections, #Early20thCentury, #Globe, #Telegraph, #Telephone, #WinoldReiss
Vintage ◦ Classic ◦ Historical | Art ◦ Design ◦ Inspiration | Restored ◦ Enhanced ◦ Remixed
Prints, T-Shirts, Stickers, & More by @rocketshipretro via RedBubble →
Healthy #food, clean #water, sustainable #shelter, real #medicine, holistic #healthcare, access to #education, Yes #communication and #transportation!... (and all other basic life and quality of life means and resources left off to prevent a list dump) ...should all be freely and readily available to #everyone, #everywhere. #feedPalestine
This major change from #WhatsApp will cause more people to flock to Signal, if they haven't done so already... #Meta #MetaAI #newfeature #update #software #mobile #communication #instantmessaging #Europe #forcedai #ai #tech
[Article] La valse funèbre des communicants de l’ère Macron
Dissolution, censure, nouveaux gouvernements, majorités instables et fluctuantes... Dans le chaos institutionnel provoqué par le chef de l’État, les conseillers communication sautent d’un ministère à l’autre ou s’empressent de se recaser, dans le privé. Un ballet et une… #Communication #Industrie #Medias #Politique
Susceptibility to online misinformation: A systematic meta-analysis of demographic and psychological factors
There it is ! My wonderfull @meshtastic node for 20€ (+ an old usb powerbank that I didn't use anymore)
Who said you needed to 3D print a case when everything is sold with the tiny little card
I'm now part on the @Gaulix network !
Ontarians file record number of complaints to patient ombudsman in 2023-24
Ontario's patient ombudsman received a record number of complaints last fiscal year and quality of health care and communication were among top concerns of people who complained.
#health #care #communication #quality #Ontario #News
Changing communication habits lead to workplace friction #Communication #Email #Emojis
Eg har ikkje sett den sjølv, og har ikkje planar om det, men det ligg video ute av innlegget mitt!
Hello everyone! I’ve made some updates to my website, and I’m proud of what I’ve done!
Come say hi!
Kontakte knüpfen & moderne Kommunikation: Die Masche der Netzwerker - Macht Networking, neudeutsch Netzwerken, überhaupt Sinn oder ist es doch eher sinnlose Zeitverschwendung? Was passiert, wenn Menschen nur um des Verkaufen Willens miteinander reden? Und was denken sich Leute, wenn sie Komplimente machen, die keine sind? Eine Glosse. #Communication #Humor #Marketing #Networking #Salary #Sales #Team
Même les absents sont là poke @jordi
#AAFRennes2025 #archives #AD31 #HauteGaronne #communication #mediationnumerique
(Coulisses et making off de Docs en stock :
U.S. national-security leaders included me in a group chat
#HackerNews #U.S. #national #security #group #chat #Trump #administration #accidental #text #political #communication
#communication : the act or fact of communicating
- French: Communication
- German: Kommunikation
- Italian: comunicazione
- Portuguese: comunicação
- Spanish: comunicación
Join our new Discord Server for language learners @
Ha! #Signal kommt Heute auf unterschiedliche Wege zu mir. #Trumps #Administrative nutzen Signal für interne Kommunikation und die Chefin #MeredithWhittaker macht ein Interview bei #sxsw
#ai #whatsapp #privacy #communication #meta #facebook #chat
#Design #Approaches
Design handoff is broken · Beyond the limitations of traditional design handoff
#Handoff #Communication #Collaboration #Figma #ProductDesign #UiDesign #WebDesign #Development #WebDev #Frontend
It may not seem important, but let’s *please* get away from g. Everytime I see that my friend or neighbor has this, it stresses me out. OUR security is perhaps compromised if I send you a msg.
Privacy matters whether or not you “have something to hide”.
It will take a bit of effort to choose another email host, but that seems worth it. And maybe you only do this every 2-3 years? Very doable. Thank you for considering it.