So I had the opportunity to field test for the first time the #ZipCall #P2P video calling platform, and called overseas from directly within my browser.
The result? Faster, better quality than WhatsApp, and the - true - freedom to use any platform you want.
Needless to say, I'm switching away forever from nonfree software when calling my significant contacts from now on. Victory!
It worked? Awesome I need to try with another PC, I wonder if it works on mobile.
@lps it did work! I was calling someone on their phones!
Is everything end to end encrypted in it ?
@futureisfoss seemingly yes, but I can only point to what the developer has written (haven't verified it myself yet)
The project is pretty new, too, so I don't know if anybody audited it yet.
I couldn't find anywhere that its end to end encrypted, can you send a link ?
Thanks for letting people know about this project, it seems like a really cool initiative.
@kzimmermann Interesting, didn't know this one.
Just keep in mind [Issue # 77 (This project is currently inactive) at ianramzy/decentralized-video-chat]
@hontoni @kzimmermann From that issue: zipcall is going to be acquired.
So, this is not going to be free in a bit. Probably going to be gobbled up by some surveillance-capitalist company...
Abandon ship
That's very sad. I really wish someone forked and maintain it as FOSS.
@Matter @hontoni
@kzimmermann does it work with multiple people as well? Did you test performance in that set up?
@e0ipso didn't try that, and the performance was qualitative analysis only. The biggest plus was freedom of platform: phone or pc or whatever - it worked.
@kzimmermann Looks promising! It doesn't say if it's opensource but I guess it is? How is it serverless if it runs off a website though?
There's a github button below the website leading to the source code.
About p2p, i believe it only needs server to load the website and then goes p2p locally. Ideally it should never connect to the website's server after its fully loaded or maybe after your call connection has been made. But this has to be tested to know for sure.
@futureisfoss @kzimmermann I see. I just tried calling myself from PC to mobile and sadly it didn't work yet, but hope it is ready soon :)
@futureisfoss @joli yes, I was wondering about the same thing: could I just Ctrl+S the full webpage and just access it from disk?
I think the challenge that way is room discovery i.e. how do the two partners find each other? If you have a URL lying somewhere in the Internet syncing is just a matter of copying and pasting it, in a manner similar to early napster or a torrent tracker.
I wish the whole discoverability moved to P2P as well, so no takedowns would be possible.
I think making something so small like a website utility does have its limitations. Are there any p2p apps that support video calling ?
IMO p2p is best for audio/video calls, cause both parties have to be online anyway for doing calls, even in server based calls. Whereas messages tend to not reach the partner if one of them is offline, it can be an inconvenience for some.
@futureisfoss @kzimmermann Since it's already a website it might not be too difficult to pack it into a browser and offer it as a #PWA ? I'd like everyting #P2P but perhaps you are right hat calling should be p2p and messaging #federated
@futureisfoss @kzimmermann #Jami is #P2P and supports video calling but you have to really trawl the web to find a branch that doesn't crash
The author of this repo, @ianramzy, hasn't been active here for months. Although I do have the necessary rights to merge pull requests, this is still his project and he explicitly asked me not ...