Thunderbird &
PGP Setup Tutorial
(I2Pmail Example)
Did you know I2P offers email!?
you@mail.i2p &
Let's set this up today. It'll be fun!
Watch on #Peertube
*Post updated to instance offering vid space
#email #thunderbird #mozilla #I2P #mail #communication #infosec #cybersecurity #privacy #journalism #security #PGP #gpg #OpenPGP #FOSS #anonymity #anonymous #education #I2Pmail #postman
Try this?
Send me an email: righttoprivacy[at]mail.i2p
I'll email back, helping you verify PGP / setup
Thunderbird / K9 Mail
Maximize Safety Tutorial (for any email + i2pmail tips)
(all posts / videos shared here, public as always)
#email #thunderbird #mozilla #I2P #mail #communication #infosec #cybersecurity #privacy #journalism #security #PGP #gpg #OpenPGP #FOSS #anonymity #anonymous #education #tor #Susimail #I2Pmail #postman #K9mail
Clearnet / I2P Outproxy Users:
Tor Browser Friendly Link:
RELATED: theHarvester, OSINT Tool Gathers Email Addresses & Domain Related Info, Scraped via Search Engines / Databases / PGP Keyservers
#OSINT #privacy #infosec #cybersecurity #Peertube #FOSS #Linux #spearphishing #python #theHarvester #Tutorial
@RTP nice post
@toki Thank you!
@RTP btw, I'm looking for original sticker packs for blobcat, blobfox, akko and Zero Two, do you know where to find them?
@Shark how to add them to instance?
@Shark how to share them?
@Shark no, how to share this repacks with someone?
@RTP Thank you for this wonderful tutorial.
@markoo I appreciate your feedback!