I've just added "Undefined Lovers" by #Steppenkind (12'', 2022) on #Maakuda Records to the @musicbrainz database.
Happy I Love Free Software Day!
Unfortunately, this year I could not join nor organize any in-person celebration, BUT of course I want to share my gratitude to the many, countless #FreeSoftware services I don’t merely use, but actually depend on.
Last year, I decided to focus only on #YunoHost, because it would have been crazy to list all the projects I use and I love.
This time, even if I will most certainly forget someone, I am challenging myself to mention all the #LibreSoftware my life is powered by.
Without further ado, THANK YOU to:
Lastly, but most importantly, the biggest thank you goes to all the free software libraries and dependencies the above mentioned #software are made of/built with, including #C, #JavaScript, #Python, #Rust, and all community-maintained programming languages.
I am super sorry if I forgot someone!
my 2024 year in music, most of it is streaming, but all my record listening is mixed in too!
Final three months of the year! Stats are SUPER low this quarter, which somewhat explains the albums you're seeing
@ListenBrainz for the stats!
I found that you can "scrobble" your listening of a vinyl record or a CD (or anything else really) to Last.fm, Libre.fm, and/or ListenBrainz via an Android phone:
sometimes I wish #Tidal did a #wrapped thing like #Spotify
but I kind of like the statistics I collect by scrobbling my listening habits to #lastfm & #ListenBrainz / #MusicBrainz
my stats for 2024 (so far), are available here: https://listenbrainz.org/user/yano1798/stats/?range=this_year
I'm also on last.fm with the same username, but they don't show 2024 stats until January 2025
Six weeks ago I had been attending the #MetaBrainz Summit, which this year took place in Delhi. It was a great experience and much fun to meet both old friends and new faces. Beside all the talk about MetaBrainz projects we also got to experience India and Indian hospitality.
@aerozol has written a detailed blog post on the @metabrainz blog. Many great pictures there as well.
Voy a probar Picard para organizar mi música ¿alguien por acá lo ha usado?
We did another #MusicBrainz Picard release today. Version 2.12.3 fixes some weird tooltip issue and some issue with directory separator replacement.
Earlier today* we released #MusicBrainzPicard 2.12. This is primarily a bug fix release on our road to Picard 3.0. For more details see the announcement on the #MetaBrainz blog:
#MusicBrainzPicard 3.0 is in the works, and I answered some questions about the development and our goals for the release. See the interview on the #MetaBrainz blog:
Thanks to @aerozol for the nice questions and doing the blog post :)
Ah, the lead up to Google Summer of Code (GSoC). Weeks of excitement, and the promise of a bright future. And lots of time to absolutely torpedo your chances of working with MetaBrainz or your open-source organisation of choice. Here’s how.
#googlesummerofcode #gsoc #opensource #developers #metabrainz #musicbrainz #listenbrainz #bookbrainz
@waglo Update: We are having some ongoing server issues - you can follow the work on it in the #metabrainz IRC channel, or in the public logs of that channel, here: https://wiki.musicbrainz.org/irc
You can update us if you see anything go wonky - thanks again!
- aerozol
Other projects in the #MetaBrainz umbrella.
* For #Books — https://bookbrainz.org
* For #Reviews — https://critizuebrainz.org (also connected to #MusicBrainz #ListenBrainz #BookBrainz when making reviews).
* MusicBrainz Picard — https://picard.musicbrainz.org (if you want to make your music tagging easier)
More info here: https://metabrainz.org/projects
@scy there has been talk off and on in the #MetaBrainz community about starting #VideoBrainz, just no one has started development on the project (at least to my knowledge)
a few other databases I know of are TheMovieDB, The Open Movie Database, and TheTVDB, but I'm not familiar with them myself
How close is close enough?
I checked on #MetaBrainz and there is no MovieBrainz
Searched DuckDuckGo with
open source movies db
And got returns.
No idea if any of them have any of what you want.
Please share if you evaluate.
The #summit23 blog post is up!
Delve into overviews of what our projects got up to over the past year, what we’re looking at doing next, and a whole lot more data nerd shenanigans.
It’s a long one, make yourself a fresh hot drink and enjoy: