Please donate, i have exausted my glasses fund to pay for food and clothes, i live in an abusive and transphobic home and im constantly bullied by family members, im extremely poor and unable to work, i need money urgently to pay for basics, please help me.
current goals:
food: 75$/75$
prescription glasses: 0/250$
misc bills/expenses: 60$/150$
payment information:
cashapp referral (i make 5$):
monero address: 8576pqM8cmNW92eogjqnYzEewZbmwUbY61xRcGmbVCFphchaXKyAad1Xj9oNrYWQNqZkcm2kCHEzea4Y5Wd3DMUW4DozSV2
A new poll, "Was your vote for the 2025 board election included in the published results?" has been published:
This Week in Plasma brings launch menu customizations, better screen recordings, and improvements to Plasma's calculator.
We have simplified KMenuEdit allowing you to customize your launch menu with ease, improved the quality of full-screen recordings with Spectacle, set the "Dim Screen for Administrator Mode" to be switched on by default, and enhanced the accessibility and keyboard navigation of Plasma's Calculator.
I presented #Prav today at #BiharFOSS. The interactive demo suggested by @libreinator and @badrihippo was simple for newbies to understand and made the talk interactive.
The idea was to get two volunteers from the audience, one having #WhatsApp and the other using #Telegram, followed by asking them to send a text from WhatsApp to Telegram. After this, get a volunteer with non-Airtel number to send an SMS to me (as I use Airtel), illustrating federation nicely.
Ahh I can finally rest, cos now I have Signal account yet again! This time, I won't let go of the phone number cos I have 'Registration Lock' enabled now.
For anybody who's interested hitting me up, here's my Signal account. I'm free to chat (whenever I'm not busy of course). Talk about anything. Ask me about anything there, lol
We love the #FourFreedoms, and we want others to be able to enjoy them as well. Read about the four freedoms of #FreeSoftware: #FSF
Festival Latino-americano de Instalação de Software Livre – FLISoL 2025 acontece no dia 26 de Abril
América Latina, sábado, 26 de abril às 06:00 BRT
O Festival Latino-americano de Instalação de Software Livre (FLISoL) é o maior evento da América Latina de divulgação de Software Livre. Ele é realizado desde o ano de 2005, e desde 2008 sua realização acontece no 4°. sábado de abril de cada ano.Seu principal objetivo é promover o uso de Software Livre, mostrando ao público em geral sua filosofia, abrangência, avanços e desenvolvimento.Para alcançar estes objetivos, diversas comunidades locais de Software Livre (em cada país/cidade/localidade), organizam simultaneamente eventos em que se instala, de maneira gratuita e totalmente legal, Software Livre nos computadores dos participantes. Além disso, paralelamente acontecem palestras, apresentações e oficinas, sobre temas locais, nacionais e latino-americanos sobre Software Livre, em toda a sua expressão: artística, acadêmica, empresarial e social.O FLISOL Brasil 2025 acontece no dia 26 de Abril em diversas cidades, verifique o horário da sua cidade na listagem abaixo! #Carrefour utilise des #RaspberryPi pour ses affichages.
#Linux #Debian #Raspbian #OpenSource #FreeSoftware #LogicielsLibres #Marketing #PLV #TransfoNum
Visio: Simple Video Conferencing
"Powered by LiveKit, Visio offers Zoom-level performance with high-quality video and audio. No installation required—simply join calls directly from your browser. Check out LiveKit's impressive optimizations in their blog post."
Yet another great tool from DINUM @numerique_gouv
via @fnl
Collectivités, un nouveau projet de la DINUM mérite votre attention : Visio.
Une sorte de Jitsi/Teams/Zoom reposant sur Livekit, avec un niveau de qualité et de stabilité inégalés. Il est accessible aux collectivités via ProConnect.
→ La version de la DINUM :
→ Le projet :
→ Le code :
Petit point d'étape à une dizaine de jours de l'inauguration officielle de France Numérique Libre.
► Les outils (site web, réseaux sociaux, mailing-list et serveur Nextcloud) sont opérationnels.
► 140 membres on rejoint le collectif à ce jour.
► 120 collectivités françaises représentées.
Une première visioconférence est prévue pour le 1er avril, de 10h à 12h.
fw_update(8) gains support for arbitrary dmesg files;sid=20250322101139 #openbsd #fw_update #firmware #fwupdate #sysadmin #development #devops #freesoftware #libresoftware #unix #bsd #ux #userfriendly #adminfriendly
// is not just about software-related events. Open Science, Open Data, Open Access, Open Hardware, Open Educational Resources and many other related movements are just as important as FOSS is.
Let's add these events to // and start connecting!