What's your favourite #FreeSoftware that is #NotOnGitHub (or on other proprietary code forges like #GitLab.com)?
Let us know in the comments! Feel free to also share code from other #Forgejo instances, #Sourcehut or other platforms.
What's your favourite #FreeSoftware that is #NotOnGitHub (or on other proprietary code forges like #GitLab.com)?
Let us know in the comments! Feel free to also share code from other #Forgejo instances, #Sourcehut or other platforms.
OK, so, my Anatolix REALLY needs help! Without your help in development I will never finish creating kernel. If kernel will not be done before July 1 2025, I will close my projects.
Plz contribute.
Link to AnatolixOS: https://codeberg.org/GNUAn/Anatolix
#osdev #development #project #freesoftware #freelibresoftware #is #Unix #kernel #microkernel #exokernel #help #contribute #codeberg #low-level #git #disco #ineedhelp #osdevelopment #operatingsystem #minix #Linux #Gnu #gnulinux #computers #computer #x86
I have never seen any pull requests to Anatolix since moment I created repo for it. Please, contribute. Repo link: https://codeberg.org/GNUAn/Anatolix
/me sipping on a large pint of we-told-you-so-for-the-last-20-years-or-so...
What *BSD do you use(or will use instead of GNU/Linux)? If your *BSD is not listed, write in comments what *BSD do you use
Chambalabamba is looking for volunteers (1 at a time) who are enthusiastic about digital self reliance and free libre software. Chambalabamba is building a digital testing environment for self reliance such as a wiki and a matrix server. You need to be able to stay for at least a month and be willing to help out with documentation, testing, support and translation (english-spanish). Job experience in IT and/or a background in computer science / AI would be nice but is not a hard requirement. You do need experience with GNU/Linux.
Chambalabamba is an ecologically-friendly community united in our desire to create a better world for ourselves, Mother Earth, and future generations. We are actuated by three guiding principles: unity, harmony, and personal integrity. In searching for a new paradigm that combines freedom with personal responsibility, our community is founded upon horizontal organizing, a good sense of humor, and opening the heart.
Reach out at www.chambalabamba.org if you are interested in volunteering
If you want to hang out on matrix (not much people in there right now): https://matrix.to/#/#public-square:chamba.cloud
#selfreliance #softwarefreedom #libresoftware #softwarelibre #freelibresoftware #ecovillage #permaculture #matrix
It is not free libre software and it is not libre gaming (software+creative assets). But thanks to your post I looked up some alternatives.
Personally I would rather read reviews/news about games like stendhal, isleward, nethack, Cataclysm Dark Days Ahead.
I want to play one of these while listening to podcasts.
I want to see humanity moving in a more libre direction. We can and should still have fun and explore creative ways of having fun (with and without computing).
You should probably consider promoting openchatkit or open assistant instead of promoting blackbox chatgpt
Instead of making laws focus on funding:
Laws and regulations (including license restrictions) usually benefit corporations and governments who have lawyers, lobyists, perverse incentives and a drive for data mining and surveillance. Even if you do your best to make a good law it could make it harder for libre efforts to comply. Put your trust in research, decentralization, libre software, libre hardware and research.
Billions of dollars are being invested by companies like nvidia,google and microsoft.
#libreai #nlnet #libreai #libreriscv #riscv #libresilicon #aiethics #ethicalai #aisafety #mechanisticinterpretability #freelibresoftware #libresoftware
Each time i have to deal with printing under GNU/linux using cups, i feel like ritually burning some hardware, shouting to the glory of Lovecraftian deities and going back to stone age.......
via https://twitter.com/nozoid_synth/status/1084761895310110720
#nozori : one hardware, multiples eurorack modules.
#synth #crowdfunding #eurorack #modular #hypermodular #freelibresoftware
(knowing Cyrille's previous synths, his skills, ethics and overall ethos for hardware-and-sound, my bet is these are *excellent*...)
"prove you are not an Evil corporate person"
"Mixing in some AGPL code with an otherwise GPL codebase also seems sufficient to trigger Google's allergy. .../...
I don't know if Google's allergy to the AGPL extends to software used for drone murder applications, but in any case I look forward to preventing Google from using more of my software in the future."