We recently authored a report for the Irish NDLN on the transformative potential of micro and digital credentialing in recognising learning and achievements.

We recently authored a report for the Irish NDLN on the transformative potential of micro and digital credentialing in recognising learning and achievements.
I've created a playlist for Badge to the Future development updates. The latest video shows the new 'My Portfolio' feature!
A quick development update to show transactional emails (i.e. recipients are now notified they've been issued a credential!)
#VerifiableCredentials #OpenBadges #Microcredentials #DigitalBadges #DigitalCredentials
Alright, I've got mdoc verification over OID4VP figured out. Time to dig into SD-JWT
We've been noodling on a new domain which pulls together some of our work around #DigitalCredentials
Would YOU be interested in reading this book? Experiment #5 is using LeanPub to publish about #DigitalCredentials https://leanpub.com/digitalcredentials
Zijn digital credentials een hype of een volgende stap richting het erkennen van bekwaamheden?
Standaarden en diensten voor digitale credentials beloven levenslang lerenden te ondersteunen bij hun persoonlijke ontwikkeling en loopbaanontwikkeling. Is dit de werkelijkheid, of is deze belofte slechts een marketingtruc? Over deze vraag ging de een na laatste sessie van dag 1 van de OEB 2024.
#oeb24 #digitalcredentials #onderwijs #onlineeducaberlijn #edutoot
A Little Open #Recognition Goes A Long Way - @dajb wrote about #ePIC and the issue with #microcredentials https://blog.weareopen.coop/a-little-open-recognition-goes-a-long-way-19737be37bbc #openbadges #digitalcredentials #edtech #FOSS
Meet Alex Grech, Open Call 1 #NGISargassoInnovator!
Executive Director of 3CL Foundation and Associate Professor at University of Malta , he's the European partner of the project EBSI-CAN: #EBSI and Verifiable Credentialing in Canada, working with MyCreds
Watch his interview to discover more about this #NGISargasso Transatlantic project and his experience with us: https://youtu.be/N8CvD8sTPIg?feature=shared
#DigitalCredentials #Interoperability #Blockchain #InternetForHumans #InternetOfTrust
Today's #NGISargassoInnovator from our Open Call 1 is the project D3ICA!
Julien Bringer & Audrey Jacquemart from the startup Kallistech worked together with the
company Bluink in D3ICA - Democratizing Decentralized #DigitalIdentity Through Cloud Agents.
D3ICA wants to democratize the use of #digitalcredentials which ultimately give the “power” back to individuals by focusing on diversity, inclusion, usability and interoperability .
Watch their interview
Look, I can't help what I wake up thinking about. This morning, it was the excellent Digital Credentials Consortium AMA yesterday.
Malaysia adopts Worldcoin for personal verification and digital ID - Malaysia aims to tackle national challenges and unlock economic opportun... - https://cointelegraph.com/news/malaysia-worldcoin-iris-scan-digital-verification #digitaltransformation #personalverification #irisscantechnology #digitalcredentials #biometricdata #mimosberhad #worldcoin #malaysia #myeg #tfh
A biometrics news website called Biometric Updates published an article yesterday about a recent FIDO Alliance webinar that I and @chrisanderson appeared on! We talked about achieving end-to-end passwordless with digital credentials, passkeys, and device-bound session token protections:
I'm over the moon this morning that someone was inspired enough by what we had to say to take the time to write about it!
Happy Thursday, everyone
It's been a while since I wrote a post about #OpenBadges on my personal blog. This one is simply me writing down something I noticed about a decade ago - and which hasn't really changed:
Heather Flanagan from Spherical Cow Consulting joined our podcast to give us an insight into her #TNC24 session ‘Inside the Classroom’, which will dive into the world of educational technology.
Listen to the episode now:
On Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/5UD0ZqlLzOuiDsmxUnu9EM?si=61746a702ff7422b
On YouTube: https://youtu.be/gsG7ZqSijtE?si=lVT3RFvsDdxY1Qrb
On buzzsprout: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/2358382.rss
And join the session on Tuesday 11 June, 16:00 – 17:30 CEST in La Nef.
Just hit the button on a post @dajb and I co-wrote. Actually, Doug did most of the work and I just said some random stuff and then it became this pretty awesome post about #FOSS #ideology #verifiablecredentials https://blog.weareopen.coop/examining-the-roots-248077d11c2b #openbadges #openrecognition #digitalcredentials
Are you following the wallet work going through the Open Wallet Foundation? They are doing interesting work and have brought on Google as a Premier Member and have code contributions from Modular Open Source Identity Platform (MOSIP).
Unlocking New Funding Opportunities for #DigitalCredentials Projects
#NGISargasso & #Canada are absolutely thrilled to announce the launch of the Digital Credentials Open Call!
This groundbreaking initiative aims to empower European organizations in the Digital Credentials field by fostering collaborations with Canadian counterparts.
Secure up to €100,000 in #funding !
Purdue University had something like this almost a decade ago, but there’s even more call for this kind of thing now, post-pandemic and in a Verifiable Credentials landscape.
Everyone’s addicted to marrying ‘skills’ with ‘jobs’ but I think there’s definitely an Open Recognition aspect to all of this.
ASU Pocket captures […]