I am Joel, #Mexican, 24, a #Mechatronics #Engineer who tends to learn other things/waste time online instead.
I like #FOSS and customizing everything, such as #android, #linux or my #blog, I use #VoidLinux btw
I like meeting new people online, I'm an introvert irl, I like sharing #origami pics, I enjoy learning new #hobbies on a regular basis.
Interests: #anime #inkscape #RetroGaming #selfhosting #nintendo #podcasts #manga #reading #daftpunk #gaming #jrpg #casio #emulation
@joel I'm want to start a new job, with schooling included, but I'm on the fence between process automation and mechatronics. I'm a wee bit older and have a family to support, which would you recommend? The description on the school's website sound very similar, but mechatronics looked to me as starting from a fresh point and process automation like having an existing process that goes automatic.
In my country mechatronics is only given in 1 school, but that should be on driving distance
@joel adelante aguevotl