@benjaminhollon @sotolf @tulpa @ctietze
NOICE. Which model? What nickname/hostname did you give it? :D
@benjaminhollon @sotolf @tulpa @ctietze
That's an awesome name, although I suddenly want to know what that was relevant to ^__^
When I was a kid, I used a person's name. As a youngish adult, they were usually various pop culture/sci-fi references.
Now, every laptop is named after a #StarWars ship (or class), and every desktop/non-portable after a #StarWars planet.
My Raspberry Pi 4 4GB is Bespin. :)
@RL_Dane @sotolf @tulpa @ctietze
It was when I used the camera module to make a camera that streamed footage through my telescope to my phone through an ad-hoc wifi network.
As for the "chicken"; I'll have to show you this picture of my custom-built mounting solution (the mounting hardware fits perfectly over the telescope lens)
@benjaminhollon @sotolf @tulpa @ctietze
That's fantastic
@benjaminhollon @sotolf @tulpa @ctietze
Ha! Love it.
Lego and computing belong together.
The first google server had a #Lego case!
@twizzay @benjaminhollon @ctietze @sotolf @tulpa
I had a friend in college who always ran Linux on a Thinkpad (circa 2000)
I saw his screen once and his prompt was:
rng@slab ~ $_
Very original. rng of course we're his initials. Slab was a great name for a Thinkpad, *especially* 22 years ago.
Crudbiscuits, I'm old.
@twizzay @benjaminhollon @ctietze @sotolf @tulpa
Debian FTW (although I've recently switched to Devuan)