Our year is here! #linux
After 30 Years, Linux Finally Hits 3% Market Share
@fatboy Sad that Chrome OS is 4.15% Market Share
@GotNothing @fatboy seeing ChromeOS being pushed on public schools - it’s pathetic. My kids just leave the school issued computer to the side. My youngest uses a #Fedora based laptop and gets of his works done using
compatible applications such as #libreoffice.
We’ve moved around quite a bit and I’ve always talked to the district IT or school IT - why not Linux based school infrastructure?
Killing me smalls…killing me…
@jppelt @GotNothing @fatboy I work #education IT. We use a lot of #Linux in the backend. But for client machines, you have to use something supported. People will riot if its not a known quantity.
As much as I would love to give every student a Linux device and have them work in Libre office, its just not going to happen. There is probably also the argument to be made that you need to give them the tools they're going to see in the future and at 3% share, they're simply not going to see Linux.
> There is probably also the argument to be made that you need to give them the tools they're going to see in the future and at 3% share, they're simply not going to see Linux
The reverse is more causal. If they are only introduced to digital handcuffs at school, chances are that's all they'll know how to use as adults. The whole point of public education is to avoid such outcomes. Just ask the OER Foundation folks.
@strypey @jppelt @GotNothing @fatboy @lightweight I'm not saying I agree with the argument, but when we've tried to push FOSS over commercial solutions, this is usually what we hear from faculty and parents.
I hate with a passion things like "Microsoft Educator" programs or "Apple Lighthouse Schools". Because it is entirely that, locking in the next generation, "getting them while they're young".
But most people are not interested in technology idealism, and it is a big road block
@gnuplusmatt contrary to the popular saw, I always say: the customer is almost never right. If they were, they wouldn't need us. Parents, for the most part, know little if anything about technology. We need leadership that can explain why concepts trump products every. Single. Time. And similarly, open leads to equity, and closed the opposite. We need to be bold and emphatic to parents who have swallowed the lies of big tech. @strypey @jppelt @GotNothing @fatboy
@lightweight @strypey @jppelt @GotNothing @fatboy unfortunately these things start at the top, and as i am in private education, the board and executive see things like Microsoft and "industry" partnerships as a win. It gets them enrollments.
As the system admins and ict managers, we have to fight the battles we can win. We've won most of the backend, but I can't see the client happening anytime soon.
@gnuplusmatt there's plenty of credible research - especially in the EU, - that dispels the idea that those things are desirable. Things like https://nextcloud.com/blog/european-governments-work-with-nextcloud-to-build-digitally-sovereign-office/ & https://www.brookings.edu/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Nagle-OSS-policy-brief-PDF.pdf & https://botpopuli.net/flying-the-kite-high-against-digital-colonialism-foss-in-the-era-of-edtech/ Decision maker who aren''t subject matter experts need to stop thinking they know better. @strypey @jppelt @GotNothing @fatboy
@gnuplusmatt for what it's worth, I've quit jobs where decision makers didn't 'get' this stuff. I've never regretted it. I also started my own company when I couldn't find one I could stomach working for. Also no regrets. @strypey @jppelt @GotNothing @fatboy
@gnuplusmatt what it comes down to is that the system *needs to change* fundamentally. All we have is our credibility (political capital), but if we're smart, we can compel (or, if needed, circumvent) people who don't 'get it'. If we don't, who will? @strypey @jppelt @GotNothing @fatboy
@gnuplusmatt if they're not interested in tech idealism, it's likely in large part, due to learnt helplessness. Which is why I say we're in the midst of a digital Dark Age. https://davelane.nz/darkage @strypey @jppelt @GotNothing @fatboy