Uh. Why in the world does installing NPM bring with it a bunch of X11 stuff?? #node #nodejs #npm #javascript #ubuntu
@mort apt's default behavior of automatically installing recommended packages strikes again. Seeing if I can trace it back to a specific recommended package. Node.js and npm certainly don't require X11.
@mort It seems the culprit is that nnpm recommends node-tap (some testing thing), which depends on some X11 and XDG stuff, which pulls in more X11 stuff via recommendations.
@matt @Anachron @mort You are right.
It even tried installing x11 packages on a Raspbian server.
Now I wonder what other garbage I got installed with other packages.
Anyway, as a seasoned JS developer I recommend downloading archives from https://nodejs.org/en/download directly, extracting them in a local directory and symlinking the 3 binaries (node, npm, npx) into your PATH.