Looks as if Claude 3.7 Sonnet is of the opinion that the mock object must have all properties it can possible find in its dataset .... #funwithai #typescript #nodejs
Looks as if Claude 3.7 Sonnet is of the opinion that the mock object must have all properties it can possible find in its dataset .... #funwithai #typescript #nodejs
Как создать мини-приложение VK Mini Apps: пошаговое руководство
Мини-приложения ВКонтакте (VK Mini Apps) открывают возможность предоставить пользователям функционал от простейших игр и квизов до сложных сервисов бронирования или интернет-магазинов, не выходя из приложения VK. Благодаря инструментам, которые предоставляет платформа, процесс создания мини-приложения ВКонтакте достаточно прозрачен даже для начинающих. Ниже мы пошагово разберем все основные этапы разработки VK Mini Apps: от выбора инструментов до публикации в каталоге приложений внутри ВКонтакте.
I've just installed #atop on #sydbox #ctf server in case people want to explore exploiting the recent heap corruption. I don't trust jia tan enough to leave atop.service running as root though so the attack vector is limited. Sail with #ssh to syd.chesswob.org (user/pass: syd) or go to https://syd.chesswob.org although the #nodejs client is a bit more limited. See here for the #security issue, https://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2025/03/26/2 (tl;dr uninstall #atop asap!) and here for #sydbox #ctf https://ctftime.org/event/2178
@richardlau Thanks Richard, I will respin the older Node-RED containers next week to pick up the last batch of CVE patches.
#NPM: Two malicious packages were discovered on npm (#NodeJS package manager) that covertly patch legitimate, locally installed packages to inject a persistent reverse shell backdoor:
Securing JavaScript Applications Against Common Attacks https://chat-to.dev/post?id=S2pGb2pCSEJpR0VhTHhKNXFtaGRDZz09 #javascript #reactjs #nodejs #hacking #programming
Master Python https://leanpub.com/b/masterpython by Noah Gift and Alfredo Deza is the featured bundle of ebooks on the Leanpub homepage! https://leanpub.com #Python #Devops #SoftwareEngineering #AutomatedSoftwareTesting #NodeJs #Ruby #Go #R #CloudComputing #books #ebooks
In #Deno `url.domainToASCII` behaves differently from #nodejs and #bun
»10 Gründe JavaScript zu hassen – oder zu lieben:
Drei Dekaden der Entwicklungsarbeit gehen auch an JavaScript nicht spurlos vorüber. Im Guten, wie im Schlechten.«
Ich sehe dies sehr ähnlich und bin aber immer noch der Meinung, dass JavaScript (TypeScript) eigentlich nur im Browser angewendet werden sollte da ansonsten "zu langsam" ist.
return(GiS); | Revisa qué módulos de Node.js no estás usando con depcheck y Github Actions | https://returngis.net/2025/03/revisa-que-modulos-de-node-js-no-estas-usando-con-depcheck-y-github-actions/ #Nodejs #DevOps #DevSecOps #GitHubActions
Web Development recap for week 12/2025
#css #javascript #nodejs #programming #typescript #webassembly #webdev
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[Перевод] 16 NPM-пакетов, о которых должен знать каждый Node.js-разработчик
В этой статье мы рассмотрим 16 обязательных для любого Node.js‑разработчика NPM‑пакетов. Мы подробно расскажем о них, включая их ключевые особенности, как их установить и как именно вы можете использовать их в своих проектах для улучшения ваших рабочих процессов.
Out of pure curiosity, and because I'm on that #webdev #framework discovery tip. Heck, this project even made me download an IDE for Android lol
Just to read `install.bin` - which is an sh script.
Excuse me, but why are you bundling #nodejs and #npm? Is it to facilitate a setup process for containers, or is it merely to make the process easy?
I'm a bit sceptical to that sort of thing, especially when fetching from a vendors domain directly.
Any plans to build packages via CI?
@nojhan Hey, thanks for your comment and for trying out Numtap! I totally get why you'd compare it to Python REPL—it's a solid tool for calculations. Your feedback actually inspired me to release v1.1.0 with several improvements, so thank you for that!
Here’s how Numtap now stands out for terminal workflows:
Instant Launch & Lightweight: Numtap is super lightweight (just 52.7 kB) and launches instantly—no waiting for a full Python environment to load or importing modules like math. Perfect for quick math during scripting or analysis!
Built-in REPL Features for Terminal Workflows: Numtap comes with commands like history (shows all calculations with timestamps), last (recalls the last result), and clear (clears the screen)—all tailored for a seamless CLI experience. In Python, you’d need extra setup to get similar functionality.
Scientific Functions, No Imports Needed: Functions like sin(), cos(), log(), and unit conversions (e.g., 90 deg to rad) are ready to use right away. In Python, you’d need to import math and convert units manually (e.g., math.sin(math.radians(45))), which slows you down.
Colorful & Clear Output: Using chalk, Numtap provides color-coded feedback (e.g., green results, red errors), making it easier to read during long sessions. Python REPL’s plain text can feel less user-friendly in comparison.
Smooth Error Handling: Numtap handles errors without crashing the session, with clear messages like "Undefined symbol" or "Unexpected operator". Python’s error tracebacks can be overwhelming for quick math tasks.
Specialized for Terminal Math: Numtap is built specifically for terminal calculations, with two modes: Quick Mode (e.g., numtap "2 + 3") for one-off expressions, and Interactive Mode for chained calculations. Python REPL is more general-purpose, so it’s less focused for this use case.
Numtap is designed to be a go-to tool for terminal users—like in infosec workflows—where speed, simplicity, and a polished CLI experience matter. It works on Linux, macOS, and Windows (via WSL) with just Node.js installed. For more details, check out the links below!
Npm: https://www.npmjs.com/package/numtap
GitHub: https://github.com/AbdeslamChouimet/numtap
I’d love to hear your thoughts on this updated version! Your feedback was super helpful, and I’d really appreciate more comments like yours to keep improving Numtap. What features would make it even more useful for your needs?
The Shift to ESM-Only: Embracing Modern JavaScript Module Standards
As the JavaScript ecosystem evolves, the transition from CommonJS to ECMAScript Modules (ESM) is gaining momentum. With modern tools and libraries increasingly adopting ESM, developers are faced with ...
I really love JavaScript (and its runtime ecosystem bun/node/deno), one of its curse is to easily think of problems as one off solution rather than a system. With the help of LLM, before diving into any detailed implementations, start with structure and modular design can leads to much better artifacts.
How to Get Deep Traces in Your Node.js Backend With OTel and Deno, by @andyjiang@x.com (@deno_land):