Prove that #PyConAPAC in #PyConPH is the best conference - #IceCreamSelfie is provided at the #conference
Prove that #PyConAPAC in #PyConPH is the best conference - #IceCreamSelfie is provided at the #conference
Ice cream selfie time!
I got the Ice Cream Toffee Hazelnut Latte
With Aida Delos Reyes, Alysson Alvaran, Freilla Mae Espinola, Noah, @georgically @cheukting_ho
Just updated my website with Ice Cream Selfies from 2023-2024 (#PyConUS, #PyCascades, #PyOhio)
31 Ice Cream Selfies so far!
I have two regrets of #PyOhio this year:
1) I had so much fun that I now want to attend more conferences than I can afford,
And more importantly:
2) I forgot to set aside time to get ice cream and didn't get an #IceCreamSelfie as a result!
Live and learn I guess. I'll get it next time
#PyOhio #IceCreamSelfie with @jonafato @elthenerd at Mason's Creamery.
I had the Lavender Latte and French Toast ice cream flavors.
I declare the "Oh baby" ice cream flavor from Millie's Homemade as the official #PyConUS ice cream flavor.
Crumbled tender slices of frosted birthday cake and lots of rainbow sprinkles into a UPMC-purple vanilla ice cream.
#IceCreamSelfie with @pypodcats team @georgically @cheukting_ho @terezaif
How much would an "#IceCreamSelfie experience and Office Hour with Mariatta at PyCon US" worth to anybody?
Is this something I can auction off at PyLadies Auction at PyCon US 2024?
@pycon @ThePSF #PyLadies
I have two upcoming travels in November:
- To San Francisco for GitHub Universe
- To Pittsburgh to visit the venue for PyCon US 2024 (yes, I'm scouting for #IceCreamSelfie locations )
Let me know if anyone in the area who wants to meet and catch up
#IceCreamSelfie @NorthBayPython
Lavender (gluten free) ice cream from Angela's Organic Ice Cream in Petaluma.
They ran out of the waffle cone, and only had the gluten free waffle cone, so I got that. It was really good. The lavender ice cream is really special!
#nbpy #petaluma #sonomacounty #icecream
I know y'all are now binging on those #PyConUS 2023 keynotes and talk videos which are now released on YouTube, but your experience won't be the same unless you also watch the welcome message from your conference chair (
We shared our 20 years of @pycon flashback .
I get to introduce my #IceCreamSelfie tradition.
I shared how PyCon has changed my life, and thus I wish for you to experience the magic of PyCon too
3) #PyConUS 2023: Sunday morning
(Almost done with the conference), extending the posters session to 3 PM, and congrats @treyhunner and @melaniearbor for the #IceCreamSelfie
Huh turns out "collections" in Speakerdeck is private to me so the above link doesn't work.
Well if people still want to see my #PyConUS slides, here they are:
1) Welcome to #PyConUS 2023
Introducing #IceCreamSelfie
and.. If you read closely, you'll earn 1 challenge point for spotting uppercased f-string
Celebrated first day of sprints with @mariatta and @nedbat with an #IceCreamSelfie. Check out Rockwell Ice Cream nearby the convention center. So good! @pycon @PyConUS #pycon2023
Melanie and I took an #icecreamselfie at #PyConUS last night. @melaniearbor
/CC @mariatta
(continued) Give yourself 1 point for each thing you have done during PyCon US
- learned something new from a lightning talk
- write a thank you note to someone at the conference
- you see a typo in presentation slide
- do an #IceCreamSelfie
️Bonus: 5 points each
- propose a new PEP
- have a PR merged
- got someone else to volunteer at PyCon US
- agree to speak at a local meetup
- become a new voting member of PSF
Let's go!
PyCon US CFP is still open but only for another 3 weeks or so! (Closes Dec 9)
Your tasks:
- submit a talk
- tell others about the CFP
- encourage others to submit a talk
- do an #IceCreamSelfie after your talk