My first scientific paper has been published!
Büchau (2022): An Autarkic Wireless Sensor Network to Monitor Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations
In my PhD I am building a wireless CO2 sensor network with mostly #FOSS components. This paper describes it.
Code and hardware designs are available here:
At the site I am investigating ( there are the naturally occurring #co2 exhalation spots called ”mofettes”. Nearly pure #co2 of presumably magmatic origin is being degassed there. One of the mofettes outputs in the range of several 100kg #co2 per day!
For the network I am using:
- @kicad for PCB design
- #OpenSCAD for 3D design
- #PlatformIO for flashing the ESP8266 sensor station µControllers
- #Python for data analysis, data management, device interaction, etc...
- mosquitto #MQTT broker as data transmission protocol
- a #RaspberryPi as central station
- etc...