The #Debian project packages #Firefox as 'firefox-esr'.
(Please don't offer speculation, I'm asking for substantiated information) Will that package continue to package a #FreeSoftware Firefox browser, as it does today? How?
The odious "terms of use" that #MozillaCorp intends to erect as a barrier to #SoftwareFreedom, is incompatible with the DFSG. How will this be resolved? Cease to package Firefox in Debian? Strip any imposed barrier and continue the free Firefox package? Or what?
Current firefox version in Trixie unstable is Package: firefox-esr (128.7.0esr-1)
Trixie freeze for moving towards trixie stable begins in about two weeks.
The freeze will stop version changes for the new stable release candidate, so there is less likelihood of things changing as much from those points, barring issues.
The freeze for trixie will happen according to the following timeline:
2025-03-15 - Milestone 1 - Transition and Toolchain Freeze
2025-04-15 - Milestone 2 - Soft Freeze
2025-05-15 - Milestone 3 - Hard Freeze - for key packages and packages without autopkgtests
TBA - Milestone 4 - Full Freeze
Here is the debian page on supported web browsers, which I asssume generally meet the debian criteria for being free/open enough to support?
...which does include firefox and chromium currently.
I can not say whether the firefox-esr in trixie unstable will be the newest version during the first freeze
I do not know if Debian as a community will take offense at the new terms of service, or whether it contrasts with the Debian community values at this stage.
Debian decisions can take a while to roll out and become stable, so whether the firefox issues will be addressed before Trixie becomes stable this year has yet to be seen.
I hope that more and better options for quality user experience begin appearing soon!
The people who can answer that question are at
"the mozilla packages dev group"