Reason #43950 not to like #strictlycomedancing... judges judge based on a set array of factors that determine adherence to the form and style.
Most of these lot are glorified rabble rousers...
Fair point. Me too. For some, making the Apple logo into a power button would be the cutest thing ever, others would complain they can’t put external hard drives on top of it.
The bottom line is, it’s not an issue.
P.S. I have owned the M1 Mac Mini for 4 years now; not once have I had to hard reset it. A used M-series Mac Mini is the best bang for your buck for photo/video-graphers, graphic designers, etc out there. #PersonalOpinion
With people so used to and enthusiastic about texting to communicate, has anyone else noticed that it’s getting a little harder to have a good, long phone conversation? You know, the kind where you just hang out on the phone chatting up a storm, covering a wide range of subjects until you both just trail off. Now I enjoy long text threads as much as anybody (ok, probably not as much as my daughters), but also enjoy a good gab with friends, family or colleagues on my cell. #communication #telecommunications #ShortRant #PersonalOpinion
I like the climbing, skateboarding and BMX in the Olympics... I think not the Break
I must say that in general the competitions where it is more about appreciation... something more artistic... I think it belongs to another event... in my very personal opinion, the Olympic sports should be measurable...
@archaeohistories The Inuit and other peoples were living long back into the glacial ages. I suggest that the Snow Goggles are tens of thousands of years old, but that the oldest ones we have found are 2000 years old. These were smart, resourceful peoples. I doubt they lived for 10000 years in glacial and arctic areas before someone thought of goggles. #personalOpinion #speculation #noResearch #noevidence #respect
Everyone is so into AI and stuff, soon they will be shit bored with it, with lots of freaking privacy, legal and other social issues
In 10 years there will only be 2 kinds of companies around. One with #AI, and one with users.
Regarding #Hashicorp products license change to BSL:
"However, there are other vendors who take advantage of pure OSS models, and the community work on OSS projects, for their own commercial goals, without providing material contributions back."
Aren't there OSS licenses for that?
"We don’t believe this is in the spirit of open source."
For sure, limitations to freedom are not
I have decided I no longer have time in my life to deal with roguelikes or roguelite games.
I want to be able to go through a game, enjoy its story, design, and gameplay in a timely fashion and then move on.
I am not interested in sinking dozens to hundreds of hours learning a game in order to finally be able to complete it.
It's just not something I can handle anymore.
TUOMAS HOLOPAINEN Ranks NIGHTWISH Albums From Worst To Best - "Wishmaster Doesn't Stand Out To Me On A Personal Level"
Metal Hammer recently caught up with Nightwish keyboardist / founder Tuomas Holopainenn and asked him to rank the band's albums from worst to best. Following is an excerpt from the ...
I ask people to refer to me by a #GenderNeutral nickname, but I'm not bothered (much) when I have to use my #BirthName
I don't love it (yes, it used to bother me), but #ItIsWhatItIs to me now.
I think of it as my #GovernmentName instead of as a #DeadName. Even if I later change it, I feel like it will always be a part of my story. That's important to me too.
And frankly, if I was too lazy to legally change it when I got married then I'm *always* gonna be too lazy to do so.
The trouble with organized religion is that the morality that is extruded therefrom is contaminated with self-serving propaganda and self-perpetuating doctrine.
Mon dicton du jour? On ne peut pas plaire à tout le monde hein ...
Étant donné que Mastodon est plus "calme" que Twitter, j'avais parfois tendance à penser qu'il n'y aurait jamais de désaccords ici.
Mais on est sur Terre, faut pas rêver
#RandomThought #PersonalOpinion #OpinionPerso
@256 #personalopinion DOTT est le meilleur point-n-clic de l'époque dans un mouchoir de poche avec les Monkey Island et Sam & Max.
Monkey Island gagne par contre par la constance de sa qualité au long de toute la série.
Après il y a bcp d'autres perles comme on en fait plus aujourd'hui... La plupart des Scumm, LSL 1 à 3, SpaceQuest, Gabriel Knight...