Install #Reticulum #Meshchat on #Windows and start browsing and #messaging on the #Nomadnetwork
Related to using #rnodes (#lora nodes like used in #meshtastic ) as part of the nomad network
Install #Reticulum #Meshchat on #Windows and start browsing and #messaging on the #Nomadnetwork
Related to using #rnodes (#lora nodes like used in #meshtastic ) as part of the nomad network
Demonstration of a #lora #radio #mesh with 3 #rnodes using #reticulum
serving webpage-like pages via lora #radio links
Shows the huge potential for resilient & private communication of text, sound, images and page #SelfHosting
#reticulummeshchat #rns #nomadnet #nomadnetwork
(This is an alternative to #meshtastic )
(1) Video on making pages (#webpages), using #nomadnet software. Pages are for being served over the #nomadnetwork using #reticulum #RNŚ
(2 Video showing how then to read the pages (like webpages) using #reticulummeshchat & using #lora #radio #rnodes to connect to the #nomadnetwork #mesh & also to retrieve the data from the serving node on the #nomadnetwork
Like #meshtastic mesh but ... provides resilient #lora #internet #rnode