I wonder why the #reticulum apps are not on #f-droid.
I wonder why the #reticulum apps are not on #f-droid.
Aber mein #Reticulum / #Sideband Transport-Node läuft ja weiter
@memo ist #Reticulum noch einwenig buggy?
@memo schon mal n Anfang:
#38C3 - #Reticulum: Unstoppable Networks for The People https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iHLLDnRRYKI
Es hat ja “ein wenig gedauert”, aber nun konnte ich alles in einem Gehäuse unterbringen.
Der Umzug von einem “Raspberry Pi 5” zu einem “Raspberry 2 Zero W” war, bis auf das Übertragen des Encryption Keys, auch nicht zu schwer.
Aber da konnte mir Mark den richtigen Hinweis geben.
(Bildbeschreibung: Ein Montagegehäuse mit einem darin verbauten "Raspberry Pi Zero 2 WH", einem "Heletc V3" und einem "SparkFun QwiicBus - EndPoint" für die Übertragung der "BME280" Sensordaten über ein LAN-Kabel.)
@ryanboswell I've recently gotten really into mesh networks like #reticulum ( https://reticulum.network ) and my wife came to the same conclusion. "you're like a pepper but instead of hoarding ammo and food you're hoarding cheap microcontrollers, solar panels and LoRa radios"
Ich habe soeben meine Sideband Installationen auf die Release 1.5.0, auf allen Geräten (Linux, Raspberry, Android), ohne Probleme aktualisiert
@tomjennings @Mark @phanuel @goldfishlaser Using #reticulum in #lora only #mesh using #meshchat application. It is beyond fantastic. No issues. Excellent delivery confirmation. Sends #images & #sound. When on the move with #rnode it resends messages, that failed due to no radio contact being available at the time of send, & sends them automatically later when in lora radio contact. Even re-sends chunks of images in batches as & when in lora contact again. Fab! Info: https://loramesh.org
@phanuel @goldfishlaser I love #meshtastic but if you want tv pip look into #reticulum. It uses the same Lora radios but is FAR more powerful for networking than meshtastic because it can uses many different radio technologies so you could have a 100 acre property on Lora radios connect to your home network and the internet. You can even use the meshtastic mesh to send private encrypted data on your network. It’s seriously bad ass.
A little #portable #boxed #radio #lora #rnode using a #raspberrypi02w #raspberrypizero2w
that uses the Pi's #wifi #accesspoint #ap to allow the GUI of #MeshChat to be used on a #smartphone to access the #mesh and #message and send & receive #images #photos on the move using #Reticulum
( https://www.loramesh.org )
#rnode #reticulum #meshchat #reticulummeshchat
@concretedog @Castle6022 keep in mind the encryption meshtastic uses is a bit weak, and the overall security paradigm leaves much to be desired.
That aside, it's very useful. My best friend was in Ashville NC during Helene, 2+ weeks without cell service. We were able to chat via MQTT, because someone in his area had a meshtastic node hooked up to satellite, that's our theory anyway.
Also #reticulum uses some of the same hardware and even allows encrypted voice chat over LORA, cool stuff.
@arstechnica I think we need to move #great78project over to #reticulum or #Veilid
In a series of radio sleuthing videos Simon Phillips shows how a higher gain #antenna might, when near strong radio noise sources e.g. in a town, need a #filter #cavityfilter to be able to act as #lora #radio #node ( #rnode ) in #reticulum / #meshtastic / #meshcore #mesh #noisefloor #noise #meshchat #hamradio
The videos are listed here https://www.loramesh.org/subpages/radio/radio.html#noisefloor