Many people affected by the recent blocking of #Telegram in Spain are looking for alternatives - especially decentralized ones.
#Snikket is one of those alternatives, and fully open-source. However, our Spanish translations are lacking, which can lead to a poor experience for our #hispanohablante friends.
If you think you could help us with translation, please reach out
@snikket_im What exactly Snikket is?
I checked out the website but couldn't find what it was about (at least in mobile version).
Is it XMPP server? Or something built over XMPP? What are differences with XMPP and Conversations?
@shuro Snikket is XMPP for people who don't know what #XMPP is
If you're happy with Conversations, continue using it! Snikket is more limited because it focuses on a specific use case.
If you want an easy-to-use messaging solution for a group of people (e.g. family, friends, clubs), plus companion apps and easy onboarding without forcing people to learn what a "XEP" is, then Snikket is here for you:
We just want XMPP to reach beyond the tech crowd.
@snikket_im do we have any word on efforts for the iOS client?
The Snikket iOS app was released to the app store in 2021 ( ) and the latest release was published just a couple of months ago. Anything in particular you're interested in?