To the awesome #N900 users of 2021: the pmOS port needs a new maintainer, reach out if interested.
Repeated tasks:
* update the kernel (build, verify, pmaports MR)
* test new releases
* fix bugs/make improvements
If we don't find a maintainer, we'll drop it from the next release. It's a hard decision for such a beloved device, but if it is barely used, we better focus our limited time/energy elsewhere. If dropped, it goes back to "testing" and can still be used in pmOS edge with pmbootstrap.
How much work 8s it really? I still have a bunch of N900s from back in the days and could imagine doing the tasks listed in your post. If you can't fine anyone else.
I know about postmarketOS and like the idea, but I haven't really used it. So I might need some help getting started...
@vimja well ideally you would actually use the device and not only use it because you are maintaining it
how much work ca:
* one hour to get to know the tools
* maybe 3 hours every time you'd upgrade a new kernel (depends on how fast your PC compiles them, and if you need multiple iterations if a kernel doesn't work).
* new pmOS releases: one hour or so, just flash the image to SD card and try it out as usually, and report how it works. If fixups need to be done, that takes longer of course.
@vimja if interested:
Join the devel channel at to get involved. The first step is building the existing kernel for good measure (pmbootstrap build linux-nokia-n900 --force) and then trying to upgrade it (or downgrade to LTS version, also OK).
@postmarketOS I still have my N900 and it is still running the last update that Nokia gave us. I didn't even know there was something else we could put on it to make it useful again!!!
@Phaserune yes, in fact there are multiple distros. postmarketOS if you want i3wm, xfce, etc. use Maemo Leste ( if you want an update to the original UI. And @danct12 might have an arch port
@postmarketOS @Phaserune I made the Arch port for fun, no plan to release it.
As mentioned, Maemo Leste and postmarketOS are the two best option IMO.