@Gina The weather looks so hot it's exhausting. I'm so glad we got extreme cold temperatures here right now. With windchill it dropped below -38°C during the night! Open your window just a crack before going to bed, aaaah... You're sure not to feel hot under the sheets! Then again, if you open it too much you might not wake up.
I'm stopping right now and putting my gloves back, before I get frostbite.
Enjoy your stay!
@normandc good lord we have different preferences in weather.
@Gina Truth is... we Canadians have a love-hate relationship with winter. Many retired people spend the winter in Florida, they're called snowbirds, as they migrate like birds!
I make fun of winter because I try to stay positive and make the best of it. But I never sleep with my window open, my feet and hands are always cold... And because of extreme dryness indoors, my hands' skin is like sand paper...
I'm trying to equip myself properly for cycling in the cold so I'll enjoy winter more.