Wow what news to start the day with! elementary OS, a popular Linux distro, has chosen to remove Google Analytics and replace it with Plausible! And open their dashboard to the public! Way to go!
Link to their Twitter announcement:
Interesting behind the scenes look at how the elementary OS team prepares the move from Google Analytics to Plausible
@markosaric Amazing, congrats!
@markosaric This is a great move, both for elementary and for plausible. Congrats!
@iooioio thanks!
@markosaric @cassidyjames congratulations! This is certainly good news for user's privacy.
@ademalsasa @cassidyjames thanks! hoping that the linux media covers this news so we start a bigger movement. too many open source sites/projects use GA!
@markosaric nice, Marko, nice. Let me help you share.
@ademalsasa @cassidyjames sounds good, thanks!