NOT a neat little tool (read the followups):
70% of my fdisk usage is for this exact purpose, growpart is a NOT faster and safer approach
I have now read the growpart source code. Please Do Not Use This Tool. Use parted or cfdisk instead.
@habbie What's wrong with it?
@habbie Now I've gotta know what you found.
@TobiX @dalias I received this paste from a user on #debian (where TobiX got that context too) that used the tool. I apologise for posting it as a screenshot, but the actual URL will expire soon. Indeed, you see it deleting partitions 1/2/5 and then attempting to create 1/2/3. Then it uses dd to restore! All of this from a shell script. The code itself smells roughly like this paste/picture does.
@habbie bug reports or didn't happen.
@muelli that's not how reality works, really ;) but I might file something, yes
@habbie if it is really that bad, you might want to edit your initial post ;)
@jeffpc will do that now, forgot about that option!