AFAIK, the mass of a black hole is concentrated on a point called the singularity, this is the reason for its extreme gravitational pull. So for black holes to behave the way it does, it needs a singularity. Are you suggesting that this singularity is made of dark matter ?
How does this dark matter singularity become that foggy patches shown in the NASA Hubble map ? To me, this doesn't seem to solve dark matter but just complicates things even more, lol
AFAIK, general theory of relatively is proven. I don't know if singularity makes space-time curvature infinitive, that's kinda confusing because infinity a theoretical. For example, we consider sun's rays as parallel even though its not at an infinite distance from earth, so the context matters.
Because I don't know the mathematics behind all this, I'm not sure which infinity they meant. Its possible that they meant the true theoretical infinity. I've heard the quote "black holes are where god divided by zero", so there's definitely some weird mathematics going on. I think Hawking radiation disproved that statement, IDK
> Why is my theory making things more confusing
Singularity is more like a point, so calling it a "ball" is kinda misleading. Also, there's a lot of unknowns about dark matter, you're just making a lot of assumptions here, that stars convert matter to dark matter when they explode, that black holes convert matter to dark matter when it swallows something, etc. There's no need to make it this complicated when you can explain everything using a singularity made of normal matter, not dark.
> But singularity is weird and still just an assumption isn't it? What is a point?
I don't know man, they're just super weird. I think the singularity idea was proposed because its gravitational pull is so strong that it pulls light and swallows it, I don't think a star can do that.
My understanding about black holes are pretty basic & I haven't read any of these proposed theories. I think the singularity idea & the general theory of relativity are more widely accepted, IDK.
Yeah, its fun to think about stuff like this, I used to do that all the time. But without doing the actuall science, all we do is kinda like a philosophical pondering of the endless possibilities, its still fun though
Does the word philosophy confuse you ? Haha, I'm just curious
We try to categorize things into different topics. This is sometimes helpful, like if someone said they're interested in physics and someone else is interested in chemistry, we'll have a rough idea of what they mean. But often times we can't really categorize everything into one or the other. Like asking if a hyena is a dog or a cat ? We invented these words like cat & dog, they're not real.
@tio @tychosoft
I don't know if it should be called philosophy, but there should be a word for things that cannot be disproved, but can't really be proved either. There are people who argue that free will is an illusion, and some others say we might be living in a simulation. There's no way to disprove these theories, we can only just ponder about them.
@tio @tychosoft
"Problem of other minds" is a perfect example of this, since there's no way to prove/disprove it. This is similar to the question "Is your red the same as my red?", Vsauce did a video about this problem - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evQsOFQju08
You're right, these might be a bit "bla bla bla", its still quite interesting to think about. They really show us our limitations, we can't know the answer to everything.
Yeah, maybe trying to categorize discussions is not that great. There are times where these could be useful, like the example of physics & chemistry, but it doesn't mean anything other than a rough idea of what we're talking about.
I don't know if there's any reason to be against the field of philosophy, that Vsause video I sent you earlier is pretty philosophical, but I can't say I never learned anything from it :)
I've never talked with anyone who've studied philosophy, so I don't know. Because a lot of these are just speculations, I assume a lot of shitty theories might've ended up in this field, haha. But if you talk talk to the right person, I think every field can be interesting ;)