Do you use browser tabs as bookmarks?
@floppy Browsers really need a proper bookmarking system, with full text search, local storage of page contents, grouping, and timestamps.
I'm not holding my breath though. I am holding my tabookmarks instead.
@brecht @floppy That sounds like a good line of thought, however storing the contents is also needed for full text search, and that's precisely what search engines have been doing for this whole millennium without much legal fuss.
The difficulty only came recently with snippets, which are all about showing the contents to some party other than the one which did the scraping.
I think my setup for search and saving using #Recoll-we and #singlefileZ is legally safe.
@dcz @floppy Search engines are operating in a bit of a grey zone it seems (see:, but I guess they're uncontested because ultimately publishers tend to benefit from increased search traffic. I think the browser features you're proposing might invite more resistance, because the benefits for publishers are less apparent.
Your personal setup is probably safe, simply because it's quite too technical for most users, and therefore no real threat to anyone's business model.
@brecht @floppy Still one more data point: the rendered version of the web site was recently ruled not subject to copyright - and that's all you need for bookmarks:
I'm not a fan of how much of a legal mine field computers have become.
@dcz After recent discussion, this might fit here.