What would you use these days to send out emails with auth codes for a small-ish web app? I have no interest in using Sendgrid, Mailgun, etc. I just need something to send out emails from `no-reply@example.com`
I don't even need to accept incoming email.
@blainsmith Sonething _like_ Sendgrid or Mailgun is probably what you need, despite their being hideously overspecced for your use case. You’re sending bulk, transactional mail, and that sort of vendor does that well.
I’d look at mailtrap, perhaps. Or SES if you’re already in the Amazon ecosystem at all.
@lluad Yeah I've used those big ones in the past and I'm scared of their terms of service and "big tech" mentality. We're trying to avoid all of that. Mailtrap looks promising though with the generous free tier. I'll read up on that one more, thanks!!
@blainsmith I switched from Sendgrid to Mailjet. Still overkill for my purposes, but it’s been working for me. https://indieweb.social/@adamghill/114053776857740291
@blainsmith I used Resend last week and it couldn't have been easier: https://resend.com
@dajb That looks really good and a great free tier. Thanks!
@blainsmith You're welcome :)