You can help #curl by testing this final release candidate, rc3, before the real release happens next week:
You can help #curl by testing this final release candidate, rc3, before the real release happens next week:
Fellow #curl enthusiast! Registration for curl up 2025 is open:
how to do a #curl release has been viewed 27K times!
Welcome Dave Nicolson as #curl commit author 1357:
Creating a Github Deploy Key Using Web Services?
#ansible #github #curl #webservices #python3 #bash #linux #discourse
A very common email reply to me:
"#curl is not deemed important enough for a support deal. I will instead submit a public issue/discussion item about [the discussed matter]"
Welcome Weng Xuetian as #curl commit author 1356:
Almost all my search engine scrapers are being weird
Creating a Github Deploy Key Using Web Services?
#ansible #github #curl #webservices #python3 #bash #linux #discourse
Two years ago we introduced the #libcurl header API, which also made it easier to extract headers with the #curl tool:
@byte @bagder not without a lot of pain; but this works:
curl --http0.9 -X $'USER curl 0 * :curl\nNICK curl_'$RANDOM$'\nJOIN #curl\nPRIVMSG #curl :this was sent from curl!' -v
#curl YOLO-ing the DNS resolution :O
On this day twenty-seven years ago, I released the first #curl version. I called it 4.0 as I kept the versioning from the previous names.
把 rsyslog 訊息串到 Slack 與 Pushover 上
把之前想弄的東西弄出來了,直接在 rsyslog 上設定條件,然後串到 Slack 以及 Pushover 上。 rsyslog 這邊有不少眉眉角角要處理,本來查到 omhttp,想直接透過 omhttp 打到 HTTPS endpoint,但發現 omhttp 沒有也沒打算包進標準套件裡面 (因為不是由官方開發的),但文件上面有... 在 2018 年的「rsyslogd: could not load module 'omhttp' #3302」這邊就有提到這個問題了: Sadly, the omhttp module is currently not part of the def…
@Conan_Kudo Hopefully most projects will deal with these „contributions“ as confident and properly as @bagder does for #curl
#Curl has been around for 26 years—and it’s still secure! How?
European Open Source Academy member, @bagder Stenberg, joined the latest episode of Security Weekly Productions, discussing how Curl and #libcurl have maintained security and reliability over decades.
A must-listen for #developers and #cybersecurity enthusiasts!
Explore the episode :
Learn more about the Academy :