Whether or not the #Firefox obnoxious "Terms of Use" actually come into effect, the @mozillaofficial corporate management have shown us their arses. We cannot trust them again.
The current leadership of #MozillaCorp have failed the primary job of that organisation:
* Be a champion for #SoftwareFreedom, #UserFreedom, and #Privacy on the #OpenWeb.
* Maintain and promote the excellent, #StandardsCompliant, reference web browser for everyone.
* That's all.
Workers, boot the leadership out.
There are plenty of Firefox forks to choose from, but what about email clients? I'm not aware of any Thunderbird forks, and the old-school email clients we used to use don't support the weird authentication protocol required by Gmail.
> the weird authentication protocol required by Gmail.
For that, specifically, I can only recommend: If a mail provider refuses to conform to standard auth protocols, they're a lost cause, ditch that provider.
As for this:
> what about email clients?
#Mutt has served my needs for decades, #AERC is worth a look: https://aerc-mail.org/
and, for mobile devices, #K9Mail: https://f-droid.org/packages/com.fsck.k9/
Isn't K-9 a Mozilla product now?
I've no clue, @argv_minus_one
I do trust #FDroid @fdroidorg to strip out any user-hostile surveillance crap, or cease distributing it if that's not feasible.
>Workers, boot the leadership out.
That'll be an uphill battle. Mozilla Corp has engaged in union-busting very recently:
For sure, @aspensmonster
which makes it all the more pressing that they boot those hostile bosses. So let's give them all the support we can.
Workers of @mozillaofficial, how do we help?
@bignose @mozillaofficial That is a good path for activism. Let's compost the #techshit changing the leadership of #mozillaCorp would be useful and needed action on this path.