Yep it's #FreeCADFriday once again! Show us what wonderful stuff you are working on! #FreeCAD #CAD #CAM
@FreeCAD I need a good getting started guide for someone not familiar with CAD software
@10leej The go to recomendations currently for video tutorials are "Mango Jelly" or Shawn Hymel/Digikey on youtube. If you prefer text based search or "FreeCAD for Makers" returns a free to download book from Raspberry pi.
A friend needs a chainguard for his #velomobile. He has no experience w/ #FreeCAD so I made a parametric model he can easily adapt and learn from.
@FreeCAD Here's the FreeCAD part I made last week ("CAD for the CAT"): I had to re-pot a plant and needed to protect the soil from my cats. I designed 4 flat plates with hexagonal holes that fit the pot. They are secured with hexagonal pegs. Everything printed in PLA. (Center part around the plant stem is secured with plastic mesh, also secured with the pegs.)