@mattdm oh hi there! I'm on the right side.
@mattdm really wish flights from Australia to the EU were cheaper so I could attend these!
@mattdm I heard this Fedora thing is very viral in spreading among users.
@mattdm I hope for video to get accepted soon. Had other talk to attend.
@mattdm hyped to try this out, will there be a recording online?
@mattdm I just can't bring myself to buy an apple product between their practices and total lack of care for anything but profit. That being said I'm glad that Linux can be used on it to keep the hardware usable long past the warranty and security support date . Thanks Fedora Team!
@Joshontech @mattdm Im keeping quite a keen eye on this specific spin on fedora.
I have an m1 MBA and the hardware is amazing, but I’d love to use it with Fedora!
@mattdm crazy times we're in!