I created a crib sheet for the #Helix text editor:
Best viewed on a big screen.
As usual I intended the new page to be compact and concise; and as usual it ended up being huge and rambling. Hopefully it'll still be of use to people who aren't fully familiar with the most useful keys and commands. (And just maybe of vague interest to #Neovim users who are thinking about trying Helix.)
Let me know if you spot anything incorrect.
@unspeaker Yeah, I've not tried Neovim, but I keep reading about how much work is required in terms of custom configuration and plugins in order to get it ready for software development.
Helix does seem to be ready to go, so long as the required LSP is installed for your chosen language(s). The only things I've added to my config file are custom rulers, soft-wrapping enabled, and my preferred theme name.
@bobulous think i can get by with some tree-sitters + a simpler autocomplete than a whole-ass language server?
@unspeaker At a guess, I reckon it depends on the language.
I reckon Rust development would be painful without the rust-analyzer running in the background to warn that the borrow checker was getting angry.
Possibly other languages wouldn't need active evaluation, though.
for #rust i run #bacon https://github.com/Canop/bacon in a #tmux split, used to have inline checking in my #neovim with #ale but it was updating too slowly so i nixed it (or it fell off along the way? i don't remember... plugins, man...)
most worried about #typescript really - that's the one they've really got locked down. but now that i've got a cheat sheet, i'll give it a spin and see for myself!
@unspeaker In Helix rust-analyzer works nicely for me, though I did find that building large projects (e.g. the massive Servo project) would cause rust-analyzer to go so crazy that it would actually crash Helix.
Eventually learned that if you tell the cargo build command to use only about 3/4 of CPU cores, this crash does not happen. So I guess it was getting greedy and locking up the CPU wholesale, causing rust-analyzer and Helix to fall over dead.
With that fixed, it's been fine since.