I created a crib sheet for the #Helix text editor:
Best viewed on a big screen.
As usual I intended the new page to be compact and concise; and as usual it ended up being huge and rambling. Hopefully it'll still be of use to people who aren't fully familiar with the most useful keys and commands. (And just maybe of vague interest to #Neovim users who are thinking about trying Helix.)
Let me know if you spot anything incorrect.
Emacs `C-u 80 #`
Helix `i#<esc>79.`
I have used Emacs and Vi(m) as my daily drivers for many days. The biggest game changer since I started using Helix is shifting the way I see code, from verb to object, to selection to action.
'Selection -> Action, not Verb -> Object.'
You can find it in Helix’s goal at here: https://github.com/helix-editor/helix/blob/9440feae7cf1bd67a741eb0b9bc2450a40e1b431/docs/vision.md
Hey my fellow Helix users.. I’m at a loss here so help me out!
Is there any keybind to cycle LSP code completions for a method with multiple parameter versions like in C++?
Gives me an auto-complete with one result:
setFocus() -> void (1/2)
How do I cycle through these two?
The normal tab/shift tab do nothing, neither does ctrl-p/n nor up/down
You can get a doc about this.
Moving the selection with syntax-aware motions.
@vitaut There is a PR to add it to #HelixEditor too! https://github.com/helix-editor/helix/pull/12308
And #NeoVIM has a plugin for it: https://github.com/roobert/tailwindcss-colorizer-cmp.nvim
That's apparently part of LSP now. A nice QOL for sure
Helix editor tip:
# move selected region up and down
A-l = ["delete_selection", "move_visual_line_up", "paste_before", "select_mode"]
A-h = ["delete_selection", "move_visual_line_down", "paste_before", "select_mode"]
Basically it is Vim's `ddkP` and Emacs's Move-Text.
@samurro ah .. I'm not a plugin guy but I use quite a few of them though. Definitely thanks for the hint about #HelixEditor !
@normalmode @rl_dane @a And while it's tip's day, `Q` does replay the last recorded macro. It somehow took me 14 years to learn about `Q`!
#HelixEditor realised that it's a nice little pattern and mapped `q` to "replay the last macro" and `Q` to "record an anonymous macro".
Oh another pluginmanager for #neovim has bitten the dust, and I totally not noticed. #packer #nvim
I finally want to get rid of this bullshit and use #HelixEditor everywhere...looking at you #Debian
Starting to get used to the terminal based #HelixEditor by the simple expedient of not installing #SublimeText on this machine (so that I don't have access to my usual local GUI alternative).
Have also configured “bat” (colourful version of the cat command) to use the same colour scheme as the editor.
I sure do like #HelixEditor after having spent years on VSCode