The #Frostpendeln2024 season closes with 2,246 km (1,395 mi) over 74 trips from Nov. 1 to Feb. 28. The community and enthusiasm of @frostpendeln are so motivating and uplifting. A big Thank You to Tobi and the other organizers who make this happen. I look forward to next season. Perhaps there will be a team for North America?
#BikeTooter #cycling #gravel #gravelbike #bike2work #biketowork #cyclinglife #montana #RedLodge #velotaf #fahrrad #Frostpendeln #winterbiking #wintercycling #fatbike
Ice scapes on my commute. Should have taken the skates rather than the bike. #winterbiking #biking #yxe #saskatchewanriver
40F 4C, light wind and an empty mind on the ride home.
#BikeTooter #cycling #gravel #gravelbike #bike2work #biketowork #cyclinglife #montana #RedLodge #velotaf #fahrrad #Frostpendeln #winterbiking #wintercycling #fatbike
@ascentale @Amgine @MnGardener81 @bikenite #WinterBiking #BikeNite A8
Yes. I have a whole spare (winter) bike, and ALSO spare wheels. But I am lazy and swap bikes, except by winter bike had a shifter problem and I lacked parts and now it is cold so I slapped a studded tire on my summer bike, oh well.
Path care here is variable, some are plowed clean, some are salted, some are sanded, and some are filled with piles of plowed snow+ice. I bought some sand and have been spreading it where needed.
25F -4C. Feels warm compared to the last few weeks.
#BikeTooter #cycling #gravel #gravelbike #bike2work #biketowork #cyclinglife #montana #RedLodge #velotaf #fahrrad #Frostpendeln #winterbiking #wintercycling #fatbike
Some #WinterBiking questions:
Q8a. @Amgine asks: Have you continued to ride through the #snow?
Q8b. @MnGardener81 asks, for those who do: I have studded tires but am wondering how others handle variable winters? Does anyone have spare wheels they swap based on conditions?
Okay, I have a #WinterBiking question this week, particularly for #Outaouais #Ottawans (74 cm of snow!) and #Montréalais / #Montrealers (50-70 cm!): Have you continued to ride through the #snow?
Hmmm kann schon die ganzen Meldungen zu nicht geräumten mit fehlender Abstumpfung der Radwege schon gar nicht mehr zählen .. Da ist noch Luft nach Oben. #Winterbiking
25-30mph winds (40-48kph) have produced some hefty snow drifts for #winterbiketoworkday.
Heute noch bis 20 Uhr ist am #Bullingerplatz in #Zürich die #Dankstelle vom #ProVelo zum #WinterBikeToWorkDay. Werde da jetzt zum Einleuten des Wochenendes noch mit Mr. #Winterbrompton hinradeln. Passt insofern auch, weil's hier heute Vormittag 'n paar Zentimeter Schnee hingelegt hat.
(Winter #BikeToWork _Day_?!? Hah! #Frostpendeln ist Winter Bike-To-Work _Jahresdrittel_! )
Hey Hey and Tripp check out the new drivetrain on the fatbike - Shimano Deore XT 11 speed, new bottom bracket, front ring and cranks. Also a Fox 100mm dropper post with a PNW lever.
#BikeTooter #cycling #gravel #gravelbike #bike2work #biketowork #cyclinglife #montana #RedLodge #velotaf #fahrrad #Frostpendeln #winterbiking #wintercycling #fatbike #dogs #dogsofmastodon
I had so much fun on the #stuporbowl today! Some real #WinterBiking around Minneapolis with some fresh snow. I made it to five of the stops covering ~19 miles.
Four of us on bikes at Memory Lanes for bowling (one is a friend, one is me)! I carry my bowling ball in a milk crate on the rear rack #WinterBiking
Riding the Rockhopper for a few days while the fatbike has its drivetrain rebuilt.
#BikeTooter #cycling #gravel #gravelbike #bike2work #biketowork #cyclinglife #montana #RedLodge #velotaf #fahrrad #Frostpendeln #winterbiking #wintercycling #fatbike