Now that so many moved of from #Twitter it should have been an opportunity for more #Federation
but #NIH syndrome of #Bluesky and the political surrounding situation somehow worsened it.
Besides the whole technical discussion #Mastodon or #ActivityPubs public-relations
to expand the userbase could have been better.
Now we kinda have a set back where we just have a Twitter under another name
with slightly better API access compared to Pre Musik/SigHeil-Hitler.
The fact that some hosting services don't support #ActivityPub for federating a #WordPress (.org) blog is a bit of a disappointment for those of us who believe #federation is a solution to the problem of centralized networks. Web hosting services should be independent of the project they host. At least, that's what I thought it should be until now.
Article in Spanish:
The XMPP Software Foundation has published an open letter to Meta, asking them to support true messaging interoperability using the XMPP protocol.
Meta had previously integrated this protocol, and WhatsApp is actually built on XMPP for its message routing system.
We support this initiative as it represents the best approach for genuine interoperability. Federation is the way to go !
Learn more by reading the open letter:
Anybody know of a good alternative to #matrix for #e2ee #decentralized chat?
Consieering #xmpp again. Have tried #jami
#matrix is pretty good but maintaining it is more hassle than I'd like, and my local users don't really benefit from the #federation aspect much.
Just shopping I guess
@gvwilson I would go a step beyond #federation and suggest that the solution for hosting the world’s #OpenSource should be a #peerToPeer one.
#p2p means even individuals can “seed” content they want to maintain on the network, so when institutions get shut down, individuals - in their numbers - can take action.
But then again, I work on @radicle , so I’m clearly biased! ;)
Just realized Meta announced that “Threads has entered the fediverse” just over a year ago (March 21, 2024), but integration remains very much in “beta,” mostly one-way, and limited to those who live outside of the European Region.
#TIl about reddit alternative #piefed
Just Flask with sprinklings of vanilla JS and htmx.
Spring has reached the open social web
With a wave of momentum and publicity hitting the open social web, now is the time for us to really put our eggs in one basket (pun intended) and get serious about working together to grow better social media.
See my thoughts on my latest blog post here:
Thanks to the brains at Ghost, you can now follow my blog directly from the Fediverse @index
From: blenderdumbass . org
This is a test of federation. But I will be using it the way it was intended, for discussion and respectful disagreements between people. In this case I will be trying to counter argument the statement in this post by Madiator, while agreeing with some of it.
Ich kann euch gar nicht sagen, wie sehr mich immoscout24 bei jedem Anfassen nervt!
Die software ist ja echt nur noch mit gut Glück als "manchmal funktionierend" zu beschreiben. Von einer wahren Datenschutz-Sauerei ganz zu schweigen .... Coockies, Mobilnummern-Zwang, ein "KI-Perso-Ident" ohne Hinweis/Möglichkeit zum Abkleben ...
Und ach ja immowelt ist weit jenseits der Benutzbarkeit, tut bei mir nicht.
Höchste Zeit dieses Monopol zu knacken!
Daher #Flohmarkt !
Lang lebe die #federation :-)
In My Opinion Bluesky Will Never Federate And That’s Concerning
What are we doing here folks? We all flocked to Bluesky because it resembled what we used love — Twitter from the 2010s, but with the hope that it would in the end be different.
The Bluesky team has promised to federate/decentralize for a while now, with nothing coming of it. Only empty promises (so far).
So many people have flocked to Bluesky because it’s familiar, but they don’t realize that it’s still centralized and can be taken advantage of like the other centralized platforms.
People constantly are telling me that Mastodon and the Fediverse is too hard to wrap their heads around, yet they all use email. It’s really not any different.
Admittedly I’m on Bluesky and participate from time to time. But what concerns me is that people will get so tied into it that they won’t leave if it goes south and we’ll be back to where we are with Twitter/X.
That being said, it doesn’t have to be this way. It can move beyond the centralized server. Hopefully people like Mark Cuban and other influential users will help push it in that direction.
What do you think?
The #Fediverse is growing and we're welcoming more and more new single user instances but #federation can become challenging.
With #Relay instances, single user and smaller instances can quickly become federated and grow which is supported by many Fediverse applications like #snac #snac2 #Mastodon #Pleroma etc.
More information at:
Now Playing with Android Software FediLab a multiple Federation client for sailing your Federation accounts smoothly
You can open
PixelFed Friendica Pleroma Mastodon and others
This toot was conceived and edited with the FediLab Android client.
One noticeable small feature is cosmetic. The app shows per default the amount of bytes entered instead of the usual amount of bytes left.
#NowPlaying #OpenSource #Android #Software #fediLab #multiple #Federation #client #Fediverse