Hope everyone had a relaxing Mattress Sales Day!
#BowtieTuesday #SlowFashion #TernHSD #CargoBike
Hope everyone had a relaxing Mattress Sales Day!
#BowtieTuesday #SlowFashion #TernHSD #CargoBike
Spadło kilka centymetrów śniegu, od razu milej jechać przez miasto ;-)
Well, @ternbicycles, that's kind of mean. The bike I'm considering is out of stock while the more expensive one is on sale. #BikeTooter #cargobike
My second TSDZ2 motor burned out this week :( it only had 600 mi on it after about 9 months of use. Hoping I can salvage some of the components & find a Bafang motor to replace it with. Of course this happened in February so I get to take it apart outside in the cold, rain, & snow. Ugh. #bikeTooter #CargoBike #ebike #TSDZ2 #bafang
My usual Valentine's supplier doesn't have the goods out yet - looks like no early shopping for me!
#TrinityKnot #SlowFashion #TernHSD #CargoBike
Nunca deixes de acreditar que é possível. Até eu caí nessa asneira de nem sequer testar pq pelas medidas era impossível. Afinal dá. 2.50m
#bullittbike #cargobike #cargobikelife #carryshitolympics
Trying to summon the mountain laurels by being a decoy.
#EldredgeKnot #SlowFashion #TernHSD #CargoBike
@FotoVorschlag: #FotoVorschlag "Dinge, die mit C beginnen", hier #Cargobikes
(Repost, weil aus Versehen nicht als "öffentlich" gepostet. Sorry an @Sky_Mare und @1lieblingstag, die schon mit dem Posting interagiert hatten.)
Außerdem habe ich rausgefunden, dass die drei #Lastenräder mit den altrosa Kisten vorne drauf wohl alle von #FlincCycles (https://flinccycles.com/de) aus #Zürich sind — wo auch die #Velodemo war, an der das Bild entstanden ist.
@wav3ydave I struggle with getting the extra weight of a #cargobike up hills. The extra length is generally incompatible with our bus & train racks, so no shortcuts when tired.
I'd likely need e-assist, which drives up the price. I'm not ready for that expenditure. And we don't have public chargers.
I'm using a lightweight road bike and backpack right now. That works ok. I want to try a basket/panniers.
I hope something (eg rebates) changes before I need to make the jump.
Back to winter, then, I guess
#EldredgeKnot #SlowFashion #TernHSD #CargoBike
Hey #BikeTooter - if you've considered a #cargobike as a 1st/2nd car replacement but not taken the plunge yet, what are the main worries that you have, and what are questions you'd want the answers for before you made the jump? #cycling (boost if you can!)
@JasonThorne It's the famous #bibliambule #cargobike
It comes from a french manufacturer : https://www.les-zambules.com/
Vieram dos USA (não é difícil imaginar porquê) são felizes aqui. E hoje ainda mais