#Journal, Day 1457
Friday, 15 March 2024
Ukraine War: Day 752
Hamas-Israel War: Day 160
Mass shootings in the USA in 2024: 75
#piday #pizza #allergies
#lovebirdegg #birdsofmastodon
#sickbird #weekendvibe
#Journal, Day 1457
Friday, 15 March 2024
Ukraine War: Day 752
Hamas-Israel War: Day 160
Mass shootings in the USA in 2024: 75
#piday #pizza #allergies
#lovebirdegg #birdsofmastodon
#sickbird #weekendvibe
When scraping social media for quotes, could your staff stop citing Xitter? Sure, some sources still post there out of habit. And some don't even crosspost.
But if there's any way to get a citation without citing Xitter, even if it's Threads, cite the other site.
Citing Xitter just encourages the holdouts there to stay, and slow its descent into fascist oblivion.
#SickBird #Twitter #X
Facebook screen shot from "sweary historian" #JamesFell:
"#Elon says he's bringing in a paywall. Speaking of paying, I'm not a billionaire douchetuba and actually wrote a book worth buying. Get ON THIS DAY IN HISTORY SHIT WENT DOWN at JamesFell.com/books.
"Will you pay to use the X?
"I will not pay for I am vexed.
"I do not like this Elon Musk.
"I will not pay to use this husk.
"I will not buy him another boat.
"I will not pay a single note.
"I'll give no funds to Phoney Stark,
"Who killed this platform on a lark."
The #SickBird is getting sicker.
This gull is much improved since last September. It had very poor coordination.
Attempts to release it last year resulted in short lived flights. It's been overwintered in the Sussex CentrePark for gulls, (My greenhouse).
It's a lot better, walking, eating, preening and taking short flights. Despite having avian UVB lamps it has moulted.
What can help its feathers grow? When is the best time of year to release it?
@MrBerard @rchusid
The #WaybackMachine is preserving a lot of #SickBird content anyway, so when Twitter dies (or becomes even less relevant than #Myspace), it will be preserved in the archive.
That makes me curious about whether Wayback archived other dead sites, such as Yahoo Answers. My guess is that the only people likely to find value in dead sites like that will be master's students with thesis titles like, "The evolution of early twenty-first century question and answer web sites", but I think there are researchers with even more obscure interests who _wish_ someone had archived their favorite subjects.
@binarytango @supernovae
If I have a couple of follows* in the #SickBird who have not migrated and don't appear likely to migrate before it dies, can I set up a bot to copy over their Tweets so I can read them without bothering to visit the Sick Bird directly?
If I sign in there, I might be tempted to read the comments, and everyone knows it's a bad idea to read the comments there.
* A Jack Smith parody persona that's hilarious, and a young doctor who is hilarious. I suspect that a lot of Mastodon users would enjoy fake Jack Smith, and some might enjoy the doctor.
@elliswyatt @Popehat @drahardja
"An expert's point of view on a current event.
Why We Still Need Democracy
Imperfect as electoral systems are, they provide a vital accountability.
By Malka Older, an affiliated research fellow at the Center for the Sociology of Organizations at Sciences Po."
PS: If you are #MAGA or far-right, don't bother to answer here.
There is #TruthSocial and #SickBird for that.
@DeathKitten @darius
Note that you can also ask the #WaybackMachine archive your #SickBird content.
I think #DaveBrandon would be just the right guy to run the #SickBird. He saw Toys R Us through bankruptcy, so he has experience trying to maximize the sale of assets of a company that is irreparably broken.
@tismark @Exoticgamora
I see bankruptcy as inevitable. He can't sustain the company on a staff of H-1B visa hostages, people who don't believe they're employable elsewhere, Musk fanboys, and people borrowed from Tesla. The #SickBird is a terminal case.
How it will die:
Last book value before the takeover appeared to be about $6 billion. That's probably all that will remain.
@MlleaPankhurst @murphtracks
My #SickBird profile mentions my Mastodon address, but only by server name. The purge may be unsophisticated, looking for the keyword "Mastodon" but not specific servers -- even one that is prominent enough to host George Takei (also not banned) and "God" (departed intentionally). It may also be manual, targeting people the Twit doesn't like.
@Jeffgodofbiscuits @Dahlialith
Here's a prediction of how the #SickBird will die: gradually, according to a former engineer.
I see in his article that he can't read his own messages on the #SickBird. It's quite possible that they are archive on the #WaybackMachine. If not, he may be out of luck.
However, anyone who is not yet suspended can request that the Wayback Machine archive their content. The Sick Bird is probably going to be pushing up the daisies before long, and then the Wayback Machine will be the only way to view old content.
@ianrosewrites @TexasObserver
That said, you guys are great. I'm in metro Seattle and only follow _Texas Observer_ to express support for journalism moving away from the #SickBird. I figured I'd just scroll past most of your articles -- but I've found an impressive number of articles of national interest. So keep up the good work!
@liesbethvdgrift @histodons @envhist @envhistnow
I think the #SickBird is inevitably destined to crash. There's a way to request that the #WaybackMachine archive a Sick Bird account. If you want your message history to be archived, you may want to activate it if your account isn't already archived.
Edit suggestion: article summary.
I did manage to guess that it was something about either the Twit, the #SickBird, or both, but not just what without clicking through.
Spoiler: the Twit is selling $3.6 billion in Tesla stock to cover Sick Bird loans.
@priamsdaughter @anneapplebaum
The only way to avoid bankruptcy is a lasting commitment to inject funds from his other investments. Most advertisers aren't interested in the _Lord of the Flies_ mess the #SickBird is becoming. And the only people paying subscription fees are pranksters and Musk fanboys.
As soon as enough creditors get nervous, bankruptcy is inevitable.
And then Musk will boast that he bought it to shut it down.
With a skeleton crew of staff, it might just crash.