@marieverdeil Just to get knowing what's it about with the #LowTechMagazine: https://solar.lowtechmagazine.com/2019/03/low-tech-magazine-the-printed-website/

@marieverdeil Just to get knowing what's it about with the #LowTechMagazine: https://solar.lowtechmagazine.com/2019/03/low-tech-magazine-the-printed-website/
BOOK LAUNCH — How to make books more sustainable?
→ How to make books more sustainable? Inspired by the image compression on its solar-powered website, Low-tech Magazine squeezed the article catalog of their three-volume book series into just one book. Compressing the content — an editorial and design choice — produces a larger reduction in resource use than printing on recycled paper could ever do.
→ During this book launch event, we present our "Compressed Book Edition", followed by a public discussion on sustainability in the book publishing business. We also have a number of copies for sale during the event.
18:45 Doors open
19:00 Book launch
19:30 Q&A
19:45 Book sale / snacks & drinks / networking / low-tech showcase ;)
Barcelona — Akasha HUB, Carrer de la Verneda 19 (El Clot)
sign-up on meetup! (https://www.meetup.com/akashabarcelona/events/306644137/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=braze_canvas&utm_campaign=mmrk_alleng_event_announcement_prod_unfiltered_v7_en&utm_term=promo&utm_content=lp_meetup&dispatch_id=67ceebedb8e8eab07052f4842939fd80)
poster by our intern Hugo Lopez
pour moi la solution decap + ssg est trés pratique mais ca demande d'utiliser netlify et ça c'est pas ouf. @doriane a fait des choses avec un nextcloud domaine public et pelican, ça avait l'air intéressant.
pour #lowtechmagazine on utilise direct l'interface gitlab, mais c'est sur qu'il y a du temps pour corriger les petites erreurs qui cassent tt
"There is hope, there is hope - so let's go!"
Really inspiring video with a lot of low-tech and solarpunk ideas. It has alot of biosphere 2 and whole earth catalogue vibe - but on a small scale. Really nice and cozy.
Alot of the thinking and ideas are along the lines of Low Tech Magazine. For instance the mistshowers (https://solar.lowtechmagazine.com/2019/10/mist-showers-sustainable-decadence)
Recenty ( #kürzlich ) #LowtechMagazine came to my mind again.
Nice to have that sill around:
Just stumbled upon the #LowTechMagazine #Comic which I thought was a fun read that touches on numerous articles on the site:
@kim thanks for the links (I love #lowtechmagazine ) - this is for my garage back room which houses all my various solar based projects, currently it's sitting at 5degC. It would be nicer if it was a little bit warmer to work in (but it's not urgent).
I'm not allowed to modify our house or my partner will be furious!
hey folks, lots of new faces!
In case you are in Brussels, I still have some of #lowtechmagazine books in stock at my atelier, if you want to buy them irl :)
(also still looking for a room in #barcelona for march, hit me up)
hi #network
would love if you share the following message >>>
looking for a **room / sublet** for the month of **march** in **Barcelona** (1/3-1/4) where i'm going to work with #lowtechmagazine.
Poblenou / El Clot / Eixample / Gracia / Wherever
possibility of room exchange with Brussels :)
queer friendly / small budget
get in touch here or >> marie (at) verdeil (dot) net
How to Build an Electrically Heated Table?
#lowtechmagazine publishes a new DIY guide for winter!
→This manual explains how to assemble an electrically heated and insulated table that keeps you toasty warm in a cold space.
→ https://solar.lowtechmagazine.com/2024/12/how-to-build-an-electrically-heated-table/
Article written by Kris De Decker
Pictures by Marina Kálcheva
Illustrations by me :))
Ich habe mal wieder einen Artikel aus dem #LowtechMagazine übersetzt. Hier geht es darum, dass besonders energieeffiziente Häuser unterm Strich nicht weniger Energie verbrauchen, als schlecht gedämmte Häuser. Kris schlägt vor, den tatsächlichen #Energieverbrauch eines Haushalts als Maß zu nehmen statt bautechnische Wärmeschutzmaßnahmen vorzuschreiben.
#Lowtech #Degrowth #Energieeffizienz #Wärmeschutz #Dämmung #Wärmepumpe #Energielabel
I have some stock of #lowtechmagazine books in my atelier in Brussels, dm if you’d like to buy some in cash #lowtech #books #christmas
coucou, j’ai qqs livres de #lowtechmagazine en stock à Bruxelles si vous voulez les acheter directement :) contactez moi!
(je peux aussi prendre 2-3 petits a Paris, à récupérer pdt les vacances ;)
We also have E-books available for our patreons or via this link:
Hi folks / Bonjour toustes!
[fr] Petit message pour vous faire savoir que notre collection thématique en maintenant disponible en français, en + de l'anglais!
Toutes les infos sur nos livres ici: https://solar.lowtechmagazine.com/fr/offline-reading/
C'est un bon moyen de faire plaisir à Noël et de soutenir #lowtechmagazine car la vente de livre est notre source de revenu principale!
[en] Our thematic book collection is now available both in english and french!
All the infos on our books here: https://solar.lowtechmagazine.com/offline-reading/
It's also a great way to support our work, as its our main income source!
N'hésitez pas à partager ! Boosts welcome!
@CGdoppelpunkt @derralle Und/oder ein heißes Getränk zum aufwärmen von innen.
Für die Pause teile ich auch gerne den folgenden Artikel des #LowTechMagazine: https://solar.lowtechmagazine.com/de/2015/02/restoring-the-old-way-of-warming-heating-people-not-places/
Just spent 2 days in Strasbourg at the latest @prepostprint event with the kindest people :)
Huge thanks >> @timotheegoguely + Victor H. for organizing and generally everyone the generosity of contributions and warmth of conversations I felt!
This PPPerma-publishing was accompanied in spirits by the important words of @320x320 + @automatist on permacomputing. We also had to talk about #lowtechmagazine website.
Leaving Strasbourg full of Bretzels (literally) and inspiration
a+++ merci <3
Communal Luxury: The Public Bathhouse
Interessanter Gedanke von Kris vom #lowtechmagazine im Podcast von @PlanetCritical: #Lowtech funktioniert nur in kleinen, regionalen politischen Einheiten. Starke große Staatsgebilde und #Globalisierung sind die Voraussetzung von #Hightech und sie können Probleme auch nur mit noch mehr Technologie lösen. Ohne einen fundamentalen #Systemchange wird es keine echten nachhaltigen Lösungen geben können (ab ca. min. 36:00):
In May #lowtechmagazine was invited by the Folkwang design school in Essen, DE to give a workshop on #smallscale #energy #systems. Together with a team of students, we spent 5 days experimenting with solar and human power.
Using PV panels and simple electronics, we created direct-drive solar power installations. We hacked several broken devices to make them run on solar energy and even had time to build a new bike generator!
Workshop by Kris De Decker and @marie_verdeil from #lowtech magazine
Photos by Dominik-Antoni Krolikowski
«Las sociedades de consumo producen suficientes residuos plásticos como para alimentar al menos el 10% del tráfico rodado motorizado. El diseñador neerlandés Gijs Schalkx aprovechó la oportunidad y ahora conduce su automóvil con los desechos que recopila.»
#lowtechmagazine #combustibles #reciclaje #residuos #plásticos