Super interesting 4-year tender...
Manchester Open Research Environment, advancing the University's green open access (OA) strategy - Request for Information
@neuralreckoning @internetarchive
Sorry if you already know this. The #NelsonMemo described #GreenOA policies. It required deposit in OA #repositories, not submission to OA #journals. Some publishers told authors that they'd have to pay #APCs to comply with the policy. But that was deception and spin. Compliance with the policy was always free of charge. When journals charge APCs to publish fed-funded research, it was to publish in those journals, not to comply with federal policy.
New study: "Despite having a #repository mandate since 2016, #NSF #compliance rates remain low."
Good news from the US Repository Network (#USRN):
"At the beginning of the project, about half of the #repositories did not have their #OAIPMH interface properly configured and, therefore, could not be indexed by external discovery systems. After just over a year of the pilot, all but one repositories are now OAI-PMH compliant. This has resulted in a 50% increase in indexed content, with 728,770 new records now publicly accessible."
New study: In #chemistry, #GreenOA articles "achieve higher levels of social media engagement and exhibit citation rates comparable to those of [#TollAccess articles], even when featured in journals with lower h-index scores, suggesting enhanced visibility and sustained readership."
Update with a comment.
Don't throw in the towel. First, reform research #assessment to move away from journal impact factors (#JIFs) and to pay more attention to the quality of research than the number of publications or where they published. Second, move away from #APCs. To make research #OpenAccess, favor no-APC #GreenOA and #DiamondOA over APC-based varieties.
BTW, the Budapest Open Access Initiative 20th anniversary statement makes both these recommendations. (Disclosure: I was a co-author.)
A recent survey of faculty at an R1 #university (with most respondents from the social sciences) revealed strong objections to #APCs at #OA #journals and deep ignorance of OA #repositories.
The survey did not ask whether respondents were familiar with no-APC (#DiamondOA) OA journals.
Under the 2022 #OSTP #NelsonMemo, US federal funding agencies must make agency-funded research #OpenAccess in "agency-designated" #repositories. The same was true under the 2013 #HoldrenMemo. This is the first time that any federal agency has designated a repository neither built nor hosted by government agencies — an important milestone for #GreenOA. Kudos to #KnowledgeCommons (@hello).
"Une licence CC-BY pour vos articles et communications associés à un projet ANR"
Toujours plus d'intégration des politiques #openscience dans les infrastructures; ici #HAL du #CCSD
#licences #ANR #research #creativecommons #openaccess #greenOA #repositories
New study: "Articles authored or co-authored by employees of the [US] National Cancer Institute [are in the #PublicDomain but frequently] omit any assertion of public domain status, and…many of them remain inaccessible to the general public behind publisher firewalls. Medical institutional #repositories and libraries can play an important role in making this literature (both current and historical) more widely available."
#Elsevier acquired #bepress in 2017.
That triggered a mini-movement — #beprexit — of universities trying to migrate from bepress to other #repositories.
A new study shows that "the total number of R1 and R2 bepress institutions grew from 76 in 2017 to 90 in 2019, followed by declines to 86 in 2021 and 82 in 2023. From 2017 to 2023, 15 R1 or R2 institutions were observed leaving bepress, and 12 joined."
Blogpost: Wie ergänzen sich #GreenOA und #DiamondOpenAccess und welche Chancen bietet das für nachhaltiges wissenschaftliches Publizieren? Im neuesten Blogbeitrag fassen Enrique Corredera Nilsson und Daniela Hahn die Highlights eines Webinars zusammen und diskutieren, wie diese Modelle Bibliodiversität und Zugänglichkeit fördern können.
Passend dazu empfehlen wir noch eine Podiumsdiskussion zur #OAWeek zu GreenOA in der Schweiz:
@rmounce Thanks Ross! Well, I can safely assume some credit, as I left in the second half of 2023!
But it was always a team effort at Strathclyde, with @pcastromartin and the wider team @openstrath providing the engine room for progress! And, of course, the great majority of researchers who shared the open research vision. #OpenAccess #GreenOA
Huge respect also to the University of Gondar (Ethiopia). Over 91% of the research it produced (2019-2022) is open access. OA isn't just something only wealthy institutions can do.
University of Strathclyde rank 4th best in the world at providing open access to research they produced in 2019-2022, according to the CWTS Leiden Ranking Open Edition 2024.
That's the impact of @g3om4c , right?