This is my #GitHubUnwrapped!
A bit slower than usual but not dead!
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This is my #GitHubUnwrapped! Get your own:
Get ready for an exclusive behind-the-scenes look! The lovely folks behind #GitHubUnwrapped gave us a backstage pass to see what went into making the campaign a reality
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Remotion: As #GitHubUnwrapped is coming to an end, we're eager to pull back the curtain and give you a glimpse into the creative process behind the campaign.
Thanks for joining us on this journey. Enjoy the video! ️
This is my #GitHubUnwrapped for Open Source Contributions during 2023. Seems like late Thursday nights are productive for me. Could it be that I get fresh ideas & new perspectives from the outdoor #Parkour sessions earlier the same day?
Here's my #GitHubUnwrapped for 2023
3. #XML
2. #ShopifyLiquid
1. #Ruby
– Opened: 48
– Closed: 12
Most productive day: Monday
Most productive time: 9 a.m.
Pull Requests merged: 162
Total contributions: 673
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This is my #GitHubUnwrapped!
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#AusDerWerkstatt KW50/2023
Die Themen:
#GesundheitsProphylaxe & #COVID19.
#REDAXO und #MaschinenLernen / #KünstlicheIntelligenz.
#GitHub ausgepackt / #GitHubUnwrapped – mein Engagement für #OpenSource.
#OpenBikeSensor – #OpenCitizenScience zu #VerkehrsSicherheit.
Rechtsanwälte sind die wahren Künstler:innen – die neueste Aktion von @politicalbeauty.
199 kleine Held:innen.
Lass Dich inspirieren und #BleibNeugierig
Yeah ... It's that time of year again #GitHubUnwrapped .I'm more productive on weekdays this year, that's an improvement
Here's my #GitHubUnwrapped for 2023
Just shy of 4000 contributions with Nix
and Lua both in my top 3 languages Looking forward to 2024!
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I would be concerned if it wasn't
#GitHubUnwrapped #RStats