BridgeDb was mentioned today at the #DataReuseDay2024 in Leiden as important solution to integration databases with different identifiers for the same things
BridgeDb was mentioned today at the #DataReuseDay2024 in Leiden as important solution to integration databases with different identifiers for the same things
A lot of reproducibility studies in #cheminformatics and #bioinformatics practically quickly turn into replication studies. #DataReuseDay2024 #lovedataweek2024
FAIR does not require the use of RDF.
BUT, using RDF is the most demanding and therefore an excellent choice to make your data FAIR #DataReuseDay2024
Second #DataReuseDay2024 speaker is Peter Verhaar from @universiteitleiden
Discusses various frameworks to type data, such as primary/secondary and foreground/background. Need to look up the references
Mentions Tidy Data, SPARQL, and even @wikidata
First #DataReuseDay2024 talk is by Prof. Philip Koellinger.
Covered so far: "data available upon request", cost of data serving, and data citation advantage
Now moving on to FAIR.
DeSci Nodes is a platform implementing FAIR principles.
arrived in #leiden and took the bike to do some minimal sightseeing. now in the @universiteitleiden Library waiting for the coffee at the CDS Data Reuse Day, where I will talk about our progress with getting more nanosafety research output reused #FAIR #openscience #DataReuseDay2024