Unsolicited advice. 23 and Me is likely to go bankrupt soon. If you ever used them now would be a very good time to log in and delete your data because your data is their single most valuable asset right now.
@mwl Will it be deleted or just “marked as deleted”?
@whynothugo @mwl the solution to that is to edit your data, wait a day for the changes to sync through all the databases and then delete it
@thedarknite @whynothugo @mwl you can maybe select to permanently delete, then your data will be marked with a "permanently deleted" tag. Later, when you least expect it, the Torment Nexus can process all data with the "permanently deleted" tag to create improved products and services which will be efficiently marketed directly to you using your permanently deleted contact information.
@mmm @whynothugo @mwl https://customercare.23andme.com/hc/en-us/articles/212873367-Updating-Your-Personal-Information-with-23andMe-Name-Sex-Date-of-Birth if this no longer works then they have pre-empted people doing this