I'm honoured to share that I've been recognised as a Contributor to the PostgreSQL Project
I can only thank this wonderful community for its continuing support
- Maintainer of pg_statviz extension
- Author of PostgreSQL Mistakes and How to Avoid Them, PostgreSQL 16 Administration Cookbook
- Conference organiser, speaker & advocate
- Co-creator of postgres-contrib.org
Check out all contributors:
@vyruss Congratulations!
@vyruss congratulations Jimmy, it's a well deserved recognition. Same to @tchorix @floord @intrbiz @clairegiordano, all of whom have done a lot of work in & for the Postgres ecosystem!
Thanks a lot @alvherre . Much appreciated.
@vyruss Congratulations! That's well-deserved!
@vyruss Congrats, well deserved!
@vyruss congratulations !
@vyruss well done!