In the hope we don't lose the great #python community on twitter, I've created a list of interesting Python people to follow on Twitter and Mastodon.
If you know of anyone I've missed, please comment.
I've updated the gist with suggestions from here, twitter and gh.
@samuelcolvin Thanks! that list is very useful. And thanks for including me.
@samuelcolvin great list, I would also recommend @Marlene :)
@vinceknight @samuelcolvin Wow, that list is an awesome idea! Can also recommend adding Vince while you're at it
@samuelcolvin @Marlene oh and @EvilDMP as well!
@samuelcolvin , are these suggestions as toots ok or would you prefer them as comments on the gist?
@vinceknight @samuelcolvin @EvilDMP +1000, happy to add some comments or a pull request on github if its helpful!
@vinceknight @Marlene @EvilDMP I think best as comments on GitHub so everyone can see them.
I cross posted the link to Twitter .
@vinceknight @samuelcolvin @Marlene @EvilDMP Oh wow, my favorite pythonistas are here
@samuelcolvin Woah! That explains the increased amount of notifications today. Great list - I'll subscribe to them all Thank you
@samuelcolvin whew, what an honor, I'm in your list :D
thanks for sharing, I follow a lot of them now :)
@samuelcolvin glad to see @sethmlarson and @hasanramezani from the urllib3 team are included!
I would also add @iritkatriel and @cheukting_ho.
@samuelcolvin great list, thanks!
@samuelcolvin Oh, that's a curious idea! I'll check that list :D
@samuelcolvin It would be super cool exchange python programming tips and such!
@samuelcolvin Followed a bunch of people I was missing, thanks for sharing!