I'm Paolo Melchiorre (aka paulox) — Python backend dev, Django contributor, and Python Software Foundation Fellow
Django Software Foundation Director , Django Girls+
coach and organizer, and proud Djangonaut Space navigator
Organize PyCon Italia, founded Python Pescara , and I'm a Python Italia member
Also, a conference speaker , GNU/Linux
user, Free Software
Computer Engineer and technical blogger
I forgot to use #FollowFriday so it's easier to find if you're interested in #python and #django
I forgot to use the hashtags #Introduction and #FollowFriday
@paulox Benvenuto!
@eang Grazie. Actually I'm here since 2019 but I was presenting myself to a lot of newcomers
@paulox pro tip: to really get Paolo fired up, ask him about
@wsvincent I don't know anything about cheese, since I don't eat it, but Will is very knowledgeable on the subject and also on the cappuccino topic.
On the rest of the topic of Italian food and wine, I promise to be available for suggestions.
@paulox cheese = cheddar. And decaf cappuccino is the best option for dessert. Fin.
@wsvincent In #Italy, however, it is not allowed to drink #cappuccino after noon, and only use #Mozzarella (#Fiordilatte or #Bufala) on #pizza.
@paulox when in Italy, yes
@wsvincent yes of course, obviously this rule does not apply outside Italy and in embassies.