Download the #ISO Image of #YaST's update D-Installer & give it a test in a #virtual #machine. Don't forget to file any you find.
How sad it is that Modern developers are not able to support native applications and try to make everything web.
@Werwolf2517 maybe engage with the team & provide some contribution. It's open for a reason and has been very clear the project wants to receive input.
@opensuse if I go into this project, I will offer to rewrite it 100% because I don’t like literally everything in it. I don't think the developers will agree to this.
I just hope that yast installer will live long enough that this web product will always be an alternative to it and not a replacement.
just as I hope that the majority of those who mistakenly consider self-sufficient packages (flatpack/snap/etc) to be the solution to all problems come to their senses and stop wasting time on them.
@opensuse Worked awesome! Installed Tumbleweed just fine. No DE but just installed the KDE pattern with zypper, rebooted, and it's good to go.