800 lines of #nix later and I have successfully beefed up our #3dPrinting infrastructure at work @umphy with one #RaspberryPi 4:
· a https://gethomepage.dev landing page
· three fullHD webcams, one for each printer, with current filament visible
· a smart #Tasmota multiplug to remotely power off a printer in case of a problem/hangup
· #OctoPrint for the Prusa MK3S, #PrusaLink by the #PrusaMINIs
· all password-protected and certs from #LetsEncrypt
It keeps fascinating me how #NixOS makes stuff like this possible. Defining the entire OS you want, with precise versioning and arbitrary software patches, with all the services, all links and interactions between them perfectly established because you can cross-reference all the settings. One command launches a VM for testing. One command builds an OS image you can flash to an SD card and plug into your Pi. One command builds on your machine, then deploys to the live system.
@nobodyinperson out of curiosity what kind of disk space are you managing to get away with NixOS on a Pi?
@TheDragon What do you mean? Standard SD card, several dozen GB, as usual. Building on the Pi is a no-go, but remote deployment is cooler anyway.