#annextimelog v0.12 finally closes many usage gaps and is quite fun to use now:
> atl tr work @office since 10 # start work
> atl tr 12 - 14 meeting # record smth
> atl tr boom at 16:00 title="" todo="find out what that was" # one point in time, todo added
> atl stop work # stop working in the afternoon
> atl ls todo # list events marked as todo (the explosion above)
> atl mod boom set todo= # remove todo again
At this point, #annextimelog behaves similar to #timewarrior, but much more flexible:
- track simultaneous, overlapping events
- have arbitarily many open-ended events
- modify events individually
- take notes for points in time
- mark events with todos to follow-up later (e.g. after meetings)
- export to #hledger for further analysis
- pretty output with @willmcgugan's #pythonRich library
- dry-run and confirmation mode so you don't mess anything up
- conflict-free syncing with #gitAnnex
And I really love how #annextimelog works perfectly on my #SailfishOS phone (with #nix installed however, it needs #Python >=3.10), so I can log time, check in and out and list todos from whereever I am, even when offline, thanks to @joeyh's #gitAnnex as a backend. So far git annex has been wonderful to work with as a backend. It provides conflict-free syncing, which is amazing in this case. We'll see if it gets too slow at some point for this use case (atl is quite slow already).