Hi all!
I'm a #webrtc developer from Italy: I created and maintain the open source Janus WebRTC Server as part of my daily job. But open source is a big part of my life, not just work!
For fun, I like to create music using only #FOSS tools (you can listen to my work on Bandcamp, Soundcloud and more). Besides, I recently started working on a new open source point and click adventure engine called KIAVC (Neapolitan translation of SCUMM )
If you've read this before already, apologies for that... I just moved here from mastodon.social, and unfortunately it looks like posts are not migrated as part of the process. Besides, the original toot was missing the proper tags for introductions, so I decided to just rewrite it
@lminiero Welcome Lorenzo from a fellow Italian.
@amoroso thanks for the welcome and nice to meet you Paolo!
@lminiero worst designed social app ever.
@ibc you've just registered and you're already complaining?
@ibc give it a chance! I think you'll see that you'll find much better people here than on that other social
@lminiero what the hell is this? Thread messages are shown in reverse order! Ohhh and I cannot paste images but just attach them hehe
@ibc threads are indeed something I'm still confused about, but they don't seem to be in reverse order in my UI, at least not when I read them in the context of the original post. If you look at the timeline then yes, you see the latest first, but that's only because each time you reply it's seen as a new post I guess
@lminiero ohhh I have to manually refresh the “screen” after clicking into a PUSH notification, otherwise I miss the new received message. This is completely AMATEUR.
@ibc I'm on the post we're replying to and when I reply it appears right away at the bottom: I think you're getting that because you're on the timeline view (the "homepage"). We probably shouldn't expect it to behave exactly like Twitter, since while they're similar, they're not really the same: you can't quote-tweet either for instance. So far I'm quite happy with it!
@ibc if you click on any of the messages we've exchanged, you'll get to the actual "thread", and so should see it working more like you expected it to
@lminiero everything is terrible here
@ibc this is where I probably could use one of your memes against you
@lminiero try it. Probably image upload will fail
@ibc but are you sure it's not a problem of the server you chose to register at? My first Mastodon experience was on mastodon.social which was often sluggish due to too many users: Fosstodon works quite well instead
@lminiero oh yes of course it is because me as a user selected the wrong “server”
@ibc no I meant the server for the problems you had, e.g., posting images. The one I was before was slow because it had too many users to manage, but the content remains the same everywhere. It's like you using a different SIP or XMPP account: no matter what server you connect to, you can talk to the same people wherever they are. That's the principle of different servers and federation here. Of course talking to "local" users is easier, so it helps choosing a server that "fits" you
@lminiero yes the freedom to choose cooking.mastodon.org server (because I just want to know about cooking, right?) and then federate to others, AKA “moving architectural problems to users”
@ibc I think the idea is indeed that you can just stick to your server, since there's different timelines for "Local" and "Federated" for instance. But I think an important point about using different servers is not "why do it?", but the fact you CAN, as it's open source. I see it as a plus personally: a bit cumbersome at times, maybe because we're not used to it, and we're used to a huge black box where everyone is in the same place
@lminiero people expect to be in the “same place” when they join a social network
@ibc but we are talking to each other, so that's indeed working What I meant is that if all you want to do is talk about cooking, you can stick to your cooking-lovers instance, only check the Local timeline to see who to follow and you're done. It helps partition communities if you want, and still allow them to interact with others, all giving each community complete control over their slice. That's something you don't get to do with social networks we've used so far
@lminiero amazing. How is possible that nobody in Twitter need these amazing and awesome features nobody asked for? Contact me at @ibc@porn-and-cooking.mastodon.dhjwhdjjdbe.org
@ibc I get it, you're not impressed: just give it a try for a while, as who knows how long we'll have Twitter in the first place
@lminiero I like your hair.
@lminiero Hi and welcome!
@josp0001 hi Jochen, nice to meet you!
@lminiero Welcome to the party, Lorenzo!
@killyourfm thanks Jason! Seeing how into music and gaming you are, I suspect we'll get along