With the world changing around us, many governments and organisations are trying to reduce their dependency on tech giants. Here's an update on how one German federal state is moving 30,000 PCs to LibreOffice (and longer-term, Linux): https://blog.documentfoundation.org/blog/2025/03/13/updates-on-schleswig-holstein-moving-to-libreoffice/ #foss #opensource #freesoftware
@libreoffice The same German State is also installing XWiki through our partnership with @nextcloud Which means they can also use the XWiki/Collabora partnership. Open Source industrials working together is the way to go !
oh wow, havin used xwiki many years ago i haven’t heard from it since a long time, great to see it’s still doing fine!
I fortunately dont have to work with MS Office, but when having to update a CV document with tables and stuff this week, it felt just as bad as I remember using MS products a long time ago...
I would say it's a very good functionality and user experience clone, but with the upside of being OpenSource so I could fix things that i dont like myself and at least dont have to pay to be tortured.
One more variation of #UnplugTrump!
@libreoffice wrote:
With the world changing around us, many governments and organisations are trying to reduce their dependency on tech giants. Here's an update on how one German federal state is moving 30,000 PCs to LibreOffice (and longer-term, Linux): https://blog.documentfoundation.org/blog/2025/03/13/updates-on-schleswig-holstein-moving-to-libreoffice/ #foss #opensource #freesoftware
@isf @libreoffice
They could really use some more funding from government institutions that do no longer go to US companies for MS Office.
I welcome this move.
Since excel VBA is not relevant any longer, it is now easier than ever to switch from MS to LibreOffice.
@FrancoisPrague @libreoffice 'Relevant' in the same sense as Flash used to be?
@libreoffice I'm so happy Europe starts to see the potential of Open Source!!
@libreoffice That's very good news! The big question will be: how will they move public administration packages towards platform agnosticism and ideally FOSS. There are some small software sheds that produce very questionable stuff (PC Wahl anyone) and who struggle even before moving to a FOSS model. Really curious and keeping fingers crossed
@libreoffice Danske kommuner og regioner bør kigge på dette
@UlrikNyman @libreoffice - det kan kun gå for langsomt!
Wait, EuroStack?
I heard that term mentioned in OpenDesk presenation at FOSDEM, but I assumed that it is more of a colloquialism. It's actual name of an actual project? Nice
Time to learn about it.
@libreoffice Looks like Germany is doing really good job for FOSS developement. The way to go. Thanks.
At the "other end" of Germany, the City of Munich stopped using Linux and went back to Microsoft.
Of course this has nothing to do with MS having their HQ in Munich and their threat to move the HQ (and the taxes) to some other place ...
@TLisaB @libreoffice Noooo no. Surely not It didn't even come to my brain
But on the other hand each and every time I read some fund invested in Open Street Maps / KDE or so on -> it turns out to be German public money. So huge props for that. My (Polish) govt on the contrary shouted that "we need digital sovereignity" aaaaand then went straight to licking Gooogle's ass couse "they brought 5million $" (of snack money I guess XD) and promised "free AI courses"
@libreoffice I feel really sorry for those who depend on Excel. I generally like/use LO, but Calc is abysmal compared to Excel.
@libreoffice time to get more intuitive and mainstream