Our next big release will be #LibreOffice 24.2, in February 2024! (We're moving to a "year.month" version scheme, to make it more clear when the software was released.) And the first Alpha development build is now available for testing: https://qa.blog.documentfoundation.org/2023/11/30/libreoffice24-2-alpha1-is-available-for-testing/ #foss #opensource
@libreoffice Going to try it as soon as possible
It is so good to see it is a bugfix release, and not a release date...
Who cares how recent it was released? I know probably a lot of users, maybe majority. I don't have a clue. I'm a Mastodon user, a FOSS user, so clearly I'm not a regular person lol
Semantic version for the win! ;)